Harry Edward Smith
He was a moulder at Ransomes
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Harry Edward Smith was born in 1896 at Newark and was the son of Harry a gas stoker and Flora Mary Smith née Grocock of 21 Stanley Street, Newark.
His father Harry was born in 1871 at Newark and his mother Flora Mary Grocock was born in 1873 also at Newark, they were married in 1895 at Newark and went on to have the following children, Harry b1896, Winfred b1898 and Alfred born 1904, all were born in Newark.
In the 1911 census the family are living at 21 Stanley Street, Newark and are shown as Harry 40 yrs a gas stoker, he is living with his wife Flora Mary 38 yrs and their children, Harry Edward 15 yrs a moulders apprentice, Winifred 13 yrs a scholar and Alfred Ernest 7 yrs, also living with them is Jane Smith 76 yrs a widow (mother) .
Lance Corporal Harry Edward Smith enlisted at Newark in August 1914 and served with the 1/8th battalion Sherwood Foresters Regiment. He had landed in France in August 1915. He was admitted to hospital with appendicitis of which he died on 19th July 1918. He is buried at Pernes British Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France.
Article in the Newark Advertiser published 24th July 1918 :-
Elder son of Harry & Flora Mary Smith, 21 Stanley Street, Newark. Born in Newark and went to Barnby Road School, where he was a member of the football team in the boys’ league, also in Mr Pratt’s XI. While in later years played for South End, afterwards with Coddington. On leaving school became an apprentice moulder at Messrs. Ransome & Co. remaining with the firm until he enlisted. In August 1914 at the great recruiting meeting at the Kinema, presided over by the Duke of Portland, young Smith was the first to come forward. He joined on the 14th of the following month and selected the 1/8th Sherwood Foresters, with whom he has remained. He went out to France during the first week in August 1915. Once slightly wounded in the left eye, but soon recovered. Following a furlough in Feb. 1918 he was badly gassed to such an extent that he was totally blind and speechless for eight days. Within a short time he was once more in the line, until attacked by appendicitus, from which he died in No. 6 Casualty Clearing Station.
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