George Gordon Bennett
- Family History
- Military history
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George William Bennett was a congregational minister who married Laura Ann Newbold in 1889 in Worksop. They resided at 17 George Street and their first child, Emily Hilda, was born here in 1891. The next child, born in 1893 was their only son, George Gordon Bennett followed by Sibyl Gertrude in 1898. Between 1901 and 1911, the family had moved to Nottingham residing at The Manse, Keyworth. George William Bennett was continuing his congregational minister duties. Emily Hilda, at the early age of 20, was a music teacher, Sibyl was receiving private tuition and George Bennett junior was receiving tuition as a photographic chemist, instruments & optical. His studies were no doubt, were put to an end after going to Nottingham to enlist.
Signaller Gordon Bennett Worksop Guardian 19 October 1917
Another Worksop born soldier to make the supreme sacrifice is Signaller Gordon Bennett, Sherwood Foresters, son of the Rev. G. W. and Mrs. Bennett, The Manse, Keyworth, formally of Worksop. Mr. Bennett was for many years Pastor of the Congregational Church at Worksop, and his wife (nee) Miss Newbould, is a member of a well known and respected Worksop family. Their son whose death they now mourn was born in Worksop, and the greater part of his life was spent here. He enlisted a little over two years ago, and had been in France only a few months when he fell in action. He was killed instantaneously by a shell on the night of September 19th, three of his chums being wounded, two seriously and the other slightly. Had he lived until December 8th next, he would have been 24 years old. Writing to the Rev. G. W. Bennett, deceased’s Officer, Sec. Lieut Holbrook say’s:-
“…….His death is a great loss to the platoon and myself. He was in my platoon the whole time and proved himself a conscientious and trustworthy soldier. During my tours of duty I had many interesting chats with him…..I sincerely hope my letter does not sound too matter of fact. I lack the words to express my feelings. I hope to be coming to Nottingham on leave before long, and if so I will try to call on you. Again expressing my heart felt sympathy with you in your great bereavement”. The Church of England Chaplain the Rev. W. A. Blackwell also writes Mr. Bennett offering his profound sympathy and sending what details he can of Gordon’s last days amongst them. He was hit by a shell from a heavy trench mortar battery and died instantly, without suffering any pain. His funeral was taken by another Chaplain in the Division in the British Cemetery, “and he lies along side of many other brave British lads.” The graves here are very well kept and beautifully cared for. His unit are going to make and erect a wooden Cross to mark the spot. I have only been with the Battalion a few weeks, but it so happened I had at least two chats with your boy. I first met him on Sunday, September 9th. He attended a voluntary evening service in the Church Army Hut. We had a nice happy service together and a few of the regimental band came to lead the singing. Afterwards your son stayed behind and spoke to me. He said he had mislaid his Testament and asked me for another. I, of course, gave him one and went round to his billet on September 12th to hand it to him. I marked the text in it for him and drew his attention to it. His Battalion was due to move into the trenches on the following day, and he asked me if I did not think I could organise a Pierrot Troupe to give a concert when next the Battalion came out of the line. He told me of a concert in which he had taken part on a previous occasion and how much the men enjoyed it”.
The Captain goes on to say that he promised to try and find likely men to help, and Gordon said, ”it would be some-thing for the lads to look forward to when next they came out”. “We shook hands and he was as bright and cheerful as anything. It was a great shock to me to hear of his death….With my deep sympathy to you and to his friends in the loss of one who loved his Saviour to the last, and was thinking how he could help to cheer his mates in these trying times.”
The funeral was attended by several of the deceased Officers and friends. His death is a great blow to his parents, of whom many kindly recollections are entertained in Worksop. They will have the sympathy of all who read these lines.
CWD additional information:- Son of the Rev. George William and Laura A. Bennett, of The Manse, Keyworth, Nottingham.
Commemorated Sailly Labourse Communal Cemetery Extension, France.
Research by Colin Dannatt
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