Henry Schupp
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
John and Teresa Schupp (nee Graffine) had a large family of children who were all born in Worksop. It started in 1868 with first born, John, followed by Katherina 1870, George 1872. Ludwig 1873, Teresa 1875, Marie 1877, Elizabeth 1880, Henry 1881, Andrew 1883, Sarah 1885 and William 1887. The years rolled by and in 1910, John senior, the father to the family, died age 75. The following year, Teresa was living at 52 Newcastle Ave, Worksop with four of her now grown up family. Henry Schupp at this time was living away from Worksop. He was living at Whittingham Road, Mapperley, Notts, as a boarder in the Rhodes household and earning his living as a travelling grocer. He later returned to Worksop prior to him enlisting in the Notts and Derby regiment.
Pte. Henry Schupp Worksop Guardian 7 June 1918
Official information had been received last week of the death from wounds of Pte. Henry Schupp, Employment Company, 60, Central Avenue, Worksop, who was wounded on April 19th, by a shell dropping on the dug-out, in which he was, Pte. Schupp sustained a fracture on his right thigh. The gallant soldier, who was 36 years of age, was the third son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Schupp, and was a native of the town.
As a lad he attended St. Mary’s (RC) School, and later served his apprentice with Mr. W. Greatorex, grocer, Worksop. At the time he enlisted, now over two years ago, he was traveller for Messer’s. Armitage, Grocer, Nottingham. He went to France in July last year, previous to which he spent only a short leave at home. Pte. Schupp’s death came as a shock to his family as they had heard from him, saying that he was getting on alright, and they were not to worry, and they had also been informed that he was progressing satisfactorily. On the receipt of the news of his death, they telegraphed to the Rev. D.Aherne, the (R.C.) Chaplain at Wimereux Hospital for further information. His reply confirmed the tidings.
The death he said came so unexpectedly and when he though the danger was over that the he felt a real shock. Deceased had the Sacrament and also the Holy Communion a number of times and only a short time before his death. The Chaplain was speaking with him on Saturday, when he was in the best of spirits, but that night he had an attack of haemorrhage, and passed away at 3.15 A.M... He was all prepared to meet the end, and they could only say, “God’s Holy will be done”. He offered them his sincerest sympathy in their great loss. Pte. Schupp was a very industrious and steady young man, and much esteemed by his friends in the town, and much sympathy has been expressed with his brothers and sisters in their bereavement. He was a regular worshiper at St. Mary’s (R.C.) Church. Another brother, Gunner W. Schupp is serving with the R.F.A., and prior to enlisting was the manager of the butchery department at the Co-operative Stores Kiveton Park.
Formerly 43541, Notts and Derby Regt.
CWG additional information:- Son of John and Teresa Schupp, of Worksop.
Buried at the Boulogne Eastern Cemetery, France.
Research by Colin Dannatt