Rupert Alexis Rickett
1911 - elementary school teacher, Kirkby in Ashfield Chapel Street County School. Matriculated London University June 1913, Nottingham University College in September, 1913. University College Nottingham OTC. Member of Kirkby-in-Ashfield Red Cross Society.
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Rupert Alexis Rickett was born on 20th May 1892 at Grays, Essex, and was the younger son of Frederick Herbert and Ada Alice Rickett (née Huskinson).His father was born in Stifford, Essex, in 1862. His mother, Ada Alice, was born in Cropwell Butler, Nottinghamshire, in 1863 (bap. Tithby Holy Trinity 1863), the daughter of George Huskinson, a baker and grocer, and his wife Emma. Frederick and Ada were married at Nottingham St Saviour in April 1886 and had two sons, both born in Grays, Essex: Leonard Herbert b. Grays Essex 1889 and Rupert Alexis b. 1892.In 1891 Frederick, a domestic servant (poultryman), Ada and Leonard (2) were living at The Echols Lodge, New Road, Grays Thorrock. The family was still living in the village in 1901 but by 1911 Frederick and Ada had moved to 35 Station Street, East Kirkby, where Frederick was a greengrocer (own account) with Ada assisting in the business. Both sons were still living at home: Leonard a joiner and carpenter (building contractor) and Rupert an elementary school teacher (County Council).By February 1916 when Leonard enlisted in the Royal Navy (Royal Naval Air Service), his parents were living at 'West Lynne', Hartley Road, Kirkby in Ashfield. This continued to be their home until at least 1932, the year of Frederick's death. His widow was living on Greys Road, Kirkby in Ashfield, when the 1939 England & Wales Register was compiled and was still living at the same address at the time of her death in 1950.Leonard Herbert served in the Royal Naval Air Service (President II, Felixstowe) as an Air Mechanic 1 from 18 February 1916 to 31 March 1918 when he transferred to the Royal Air Force on 1 April 1918. He was promoted to corporal mechanic on 1 September the same year. Leonard transferred to the RAF Reserve on 1 March 1919 and was discharged on 30 April 1920. Leonard had married Dorinda Severn in 1917 and they continued to live in Kirkby in Ashfield.
8th Bn The Prince of Wales's Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment)Rupert Alexis Rickett obtained a commission as second lieutenant in the South Lancashire Regiment on 31 August 1914. He was promoted lieutenant in December 1914 and to captain in October 1915. Rupert served with the BEF France from 22 October 1915. Rupert was killed in action on 9th July 1916. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial.He qualified for the 1915 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.
Kirkby in Ashfield Chapel Street County School Log (Nottinghamshire Archives ref SL97 1/3): '31 August 1914 - Mr Houldsworth [John Gordon Houldsworth KIA 23 Mar 1918] commenced duty in this school through the resignations of Miss Bryan and Mr Rickett.' Entry 17 July 1916 refers to the death of Captain Rickett, 'a former member of staff.' Note: Rupert Rickett is not named on the Nottinghamshire County Council war memorial.Mansfield Reporter, 18 February 1916: ‘Kirkby in Ashfield. Promotion. Lieut. R Rickett, of the 8th South Lancashire Regiment, and whose home is in Kirkby, has been gazetted Captain, ranking from last October. Captain Rickett, who was a school teacher in Kirkby prior to the war, is at the front in France, where his good work has gained him promotion.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)Nottingham Evening Post, 24th July 1916:- 'CAPTAIN R. A. RICKETT''Captain Rupert Alexis Rickett was killed in action on July 8th. He was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Rickett of West Lynne, Hartley-road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, and grandson of the late Mr. George Huskinson, of Cropwell Butler, and Lamcote Farm, Notts. He was born at Grays, Essex, on May 20th, 1892, and was educated at the Hucknall Pupil Teachers' Centre. He matriculated at the London University in June, 1913, and entered Nottingham University College in September, 1913, where he succeeded winning the University colours for cricket and hockey. Captain Rickett joined the University O.T.C. under Captain Trotman, and obtained a commission in the South Lancashire Regiment on August 31st, 1914. He was promoted to lieutenant in December, 1914, and went to France in September, 1915, where he was promoted to the rank of captain in October, 1915. Captain Rickett was a member of the Kirkby-in-Ashfield Red Cross Society.' Above courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918 Mansfield Reporter, 11 August 1916: ‘Kirkby in Ashfield. Memorial Service. A most impressive memorial service in memory of the East Kirkby men who have given their lives in the war was held in St Thomas’s Church on Sunday afternoon. A procession was formed at the four-road ends and marched to the church headed by the Kirkby Old Prize Band. There was a large number in the processions with included the Vicar (the Rev. FC Hodges) ... the surpliced choir, old, discharged and present soldiers … Seats were reserved in Church for the relatives of the men whose memory was being honoured and several beautiful wreaths were displayed. A special form of service was used and the lesson was read by the Rev TR Aaty (Primitive Methodist minister). The Vicar gave an address which admirably blended homage to the dead heroes, consolation to the relatives and exhortation to those left at home .. at the close a collection was taken p for a memorial window in the church. The following is a list of fallen ... Rupert Rickett.' (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)Mansfield Reporter, 11 August 1916: ‘Memorial Service. The beautiful cross and wreaths in the East Kirkby Parish Church for the memorial service were from ... The big cross was afterwards placed on Private John Butter’s grave (a son of a member of the Mothers’ Union), and the wreaths on Miss Lizzie Bailey’s grave (the fiancée of the late Captain Rickett.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk) Note: No trace found of Lizzie (inc. alternatives) Bailey on grave or death records or in local papers.Probate: Rickett Rupert Alexis of West Lynne Hartley-road Kirkby-in-Ashfield Nottinghamshire captain HM Army died 9 July 1916 in France probate Nottingham 8 December to Fred Wood general dealer. Effects £286. 5s. 11d.Registers of Soldiers' Effects: administration to executor Fred Wood Esq.Rupert's parents were buried in Kingsway Old Cemetery, Kirkby in Ashfield. Inscription on headstone: 'In ever loving memory of Frederick Herbert beloved husband of Ada Alice Rickett. Passed peacefully away Sept. 8th 1932. Rupert Alexis Captain 8th South Lancs Regt. Dearly beloved son of the above who made the supreme sacrifice July 5th 1916 aged 24 years. Also of the above Ada Alice Rickett. Passed peacefully away Feb 26th 1950. Reunited.'