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This data is related to World War 1

Noel Button

Service number 13021
Military unit 9th Bn Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment)
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 01 Nov 1915 (21 years old)
Place of birth Retford Nottinghamshire
Employment, education or hobbies

Employed in the gardens at West Retford Hall and later employed by Mr CR Clark, seedsman and florist.

Family history

Noel was born in 1894 in Retford and was the son of Joseph a bricklayer and Lydia Button (née Wright), of 10, Myrtle St., Retford, Notts.

He had three brothers, Harry, George and Percy, and three sisters Annie, Agnes and Gladys. in the 1901 census the family, including Noel (7), was living on Bridgegate Retford.

Military history

Noel enlisted in Retford and served in 'D' Company 9th battalion Sherwood Foresters.

He was killed in action on 1st November 1915 aged 21 years and is buried in Hill 10 Cemetery, Gallipoli, Turkey (grave ref. III.E.8).

Extra information

Retford & Worksop Herald and North Notts Advertiser, 16 November 1915: ‘Retford Soldier’s Death in the Dardanelles. Mr and Mrs J Button, of 10, Myrtle-street, Retford, have received the sad news that their son, Pte, Noel Button, 9th Sherwood Foresters, died of pneumonia in the Dardanelles, on Nov. 1st. Decesased, who was 21 years of age, enllisted in August last year very shortly after the outbreak of hostilities. He was formerly employed in the gardens at West Retford Hall and afterwards with Mr CR Clark, seedsman and florist.’ (

Retford Times 26 November 1915 - 'Pte Noel Button. The above is a portrait of Pte Noel Button, son of Mr and Mrs J Button of 10 Myrtle Street, Retford whose death in the Dardanelles we recorded in a recent issue. He enlisted in the 9th Sherwood Foresters in August last year.'
