George Adolph Hutton
George attended Charterhouse School. He joined the Royal Engineers before the war.
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George was the youngest child of William Henry and Lucy Fiennes Hutton. The CWGC record gives his mother's second name as 'Frances' but all other records have 'Fiennes'.George's father, William Henry, was born in Northampton, the son of Tomas Hutton. Lucy Fiennes Gibbon was the daughter of Septimus and Janet Gibbon; she was born in Finsbury Square, London, and baptised in Kensington St James on 20 July 1862. She and William were married at St John Paddington in the borough of Westminster on 28 June 1887. They had three children; Elsie Janet (b. 1888 O/N/D), Thomas Jacomb (b. 27 March 1890) and George Adolph (b. 1891 A/M/J), who were all born in Nottingham.In 1891 William (32), a solicitor on his own account, and Lucy (29) were living at 4 Burrell Terrace, Derby Road, Nottingham, with their two children Elsie (2) and Thomas (1). William employed three female indoor servants.By 1901 they were living at 8 The Ropewalk, Nottingham, with their three children, Elsie (12), Thomas (11) and George (9). They still had three indoor servants.The Ropewalk was still the family home in 1911 although at the time of the census Lucy Hutton was at the home of her widowed mother, Janet Gibbon (77), at 39 Oxford Terrace West, London. William was at 8 The Ropewalk and only their daughter, Elsie, was still living at home both boys having already joined the army.In 1911 George (19) was at the Royal Engineer Barracks, Brompton, Chatham, Medway, and Thomas, who had been gazetted Second Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery in 1909, was serving with the 134th Battery Royal Field Artillery at Louisberg Barracks, Brodon, Hampshire.George's parents were still living at 8 The Ropewalk in 1914 when George died while on active service.His sister, Elsie Janet (27) married Maurice Robert Richardson (31) at St John Paddington on 29 June 1916. She was living at Dial Hill, Clevedon, Somerset, when she died at Bournmouth on 2 June 1922. Her husband survived her.George's father, William Henry, died on 13 April 1932 and his mother, Lucy, on 25 April 1949 at All Saints Cottage, Cleveland, Somerset. His parents' home address was 'Brynfield', Dial Hill, Clevedon, Somerset. George's brother, Thomas, was educated at Rossall School and the Royal Military Academy Woolwich and was a career officer serving in both world wars. He was knighted for his services and retired in the rank of lieutenant general in 1944. (Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Jacomb Hutton, KCB KCIE MC & bar.) He died in London aged 91 on 17 January 1981.
Lieutenant George Adolph Hutton, 3rd Signal Company Royal Engineers, drowned on 19th September 1914. He is buried in Braine Communal Cemetery. (ref A.23).
Article published in the West Sussex Gazette on 22nd October 1914 :- His death was described by a near namesake, Spr. A. G. Hutton.“PAYING VISITS IN TRENCHES.“A BRIGHTON WAITER SPY.“Sapper A. G. Hutton, Royal Engineers, has written to his uncle, [at] South Park, Reigate, under date October 7, explaining the reason why it had been reported he was killed, and gave another instance of German treachery. He says: – “It is easily explained why some of your friends told you they had seen my name in the papers among the casualties. I am not dead, thank God, but very much alive, and in the pink. It was the name of Lieut. G. A. Hutton, which appeared in the papers. I have the same initials as Mr. Hutton, only in my case it is the 'A' before the 'G.' Poor Lieut. Hutton was a fine gentleman, and was drowned in the River Oise. It was necessary to get a cable across the river, to fix up a communication with the other side. One of our chaps, who is a strong swimmer, volunteered to swim across. It was a risky job, and Lieut. Hutton, I feel certain, realised the danger, and would not hear of the other fellow, a married man, attempting the task. I was told the next day that Mr. Hutton got nearly half-way across when he was dragged under the water in a strong current and did not rise again. Several fellows attempted to rescue him, but unfortunately failed.“Really I have not had an opportunity to write you before, but now I am spending my time, like Micawber, waiting for something to turn up. After weeks of excitement, engaged in constructing and also destroying bridges under hails of bursting shells, I am comfortably housed in a deep trench. This has been my place of abode for seven days, and it looks as if I shall continue my habitation, and it looks as if I shall continue my habitation at the Hotel Cecil – that is what we have named our billet – for some time, unless a Black Maria puts in an ejectment order. Near to us is the Metropole, and we paid the guests a surprise visit to-day, as we burrowed into their quarters. You can imagine the welcome we got when two of our fellows called on them. You would hardly credit it, but we live the life of moles. It is certainly marvellous what some of the men have done in the way of burrowing.“Within 400 yards of us are the dirty Germans, who are also well entrenched. No doubt you have read of their treachery, but I am sure the papers have not printed one tenth of their wily and crafty spying tricks. We had been entrenched two days when one of them was captured. He spoke English as well as I do, and shouted to us, “I surrender, I surrender; take me prisoner.” He was placed in a corner of the trench, 7ft. deep, and was guarded. He told us his history in such a plausible manner that we believed him. He told us he had been in private service as a butler, in Surrey and Sussex, and also a waiter in hotels at Brighton, Liverpool, and Manchester. The devil actually cried when he pulled out of his pocket the photo. of a girls he said he intended making his wife when the war was over, if he was spared, and begged we would not take it away from him. He said she was a Lancashire lassie – he could put on the North Country dialect all right – and read portions of a letter he wrote him when he was called up.“The traitor gave us a lot of supposed information about the Germans, and pretended to be as wild as a March hare when he spoke of their officers; they were everything that was bad. I must admit I thought the fellow was genuine, and I gave him some of my rations, but several of the others had their doubts. He had been with us three days, when he showed himself in his true colours. It was pitch dark, and raining 'cats and dogs.' He jumped out of the trench, and made a dash for the German trenches, but he did not get thirty yards before he was brought down. The next morning we saw his dead body where he fell. We went through his pockets. I got a pocket-book and his girl's photo. I am going to write to her as the address is on the photo.” Above article and information is courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918Probate: Hutton George Adolph of 8 the Ropewalk Nottingham lieutenant in His Majesty’s corps of Royal Engineers died 19 September 1914 in France Administration Nottingham 19 January to William Henry Hutton [father] solicitor. Effects £2892 7s. 2d.Probate: Richardson Elsie Janet of Dial Hill Clevedon Somersetshire (wife of Maurice Robert Richardson) died 2 June 1922 at Bournemouth Administration London 12 August to the said Maurice Robert Richardson engineer. Effects £173 0s. 4d.Probate: Hutton William Henry of Clevedon Somersetshire died 13 April 1932 Probate London 27 May to Lucy Fiennes Hutton widow. Effects £7934 15s. 3d.Probate: Lucy Fiennes of Brynfield Dial Hill Clevedon Somersetshire widow died 25 April 1949 at All Saints Cottage Cleveland Probate London 8 July to sir Thomas Jacomb Hutton KCIE CB [son]. Effects £43469 18s. 8dProbate: Hutton sir Thomas Jacomb of 5 Spanish Place London W1 died 17 January 1981 Probate London 2 June £267709.
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