William Gleaden
He sang in the Ordsall St Alban's church choir for over 14 years. In 1911 he was a grocery assistant.
- Family History
- Military history
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William was born in 1885 in Babworth just outside Retford and was the eldest son of Jim , a mixing mill operator at the local rubber works and Anne Gleaden .Jim and Ann had a total of seven children, however only 5 survived to 1911; those surviving were William, George, Clara, Ethel and Herbert. In the 1901 census the family are living at 24 Beehive Street, Ordsall , William is 15 years of age and works as a grocer and baker's carter. In 1909 he married his wife Fanny Gleaden who was born in Sheffield, and by the 1911 census they are living at 38 Tiln Road Retford, they state they have been married for two years and have had a child who had died in infancy. William is 25 years of age and is an assistant grocer employed at the Retford Co Op Stores
William enlisted in Retford on 16th September 1916 and first served with the Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby) Regiment with service number 6343 . He was wounded in on October 4th 1917 and following his repatriation to England spent some time at Epsom hospital. He was transferred to the 6th battalion Leicestershire Regiment and returned to the front. . He was killed in action on 8th October 1918 , he has no known grave and is commemorated on the Vis-en-Artois memorial, France.
Sergt William Gleaden Retford Times 20th December 1918
A splendid soldier
Mrs Gleaden, 38 Tiln Road, Retford, has received official news that her husband, Sergt William Gleaden 6th Leicester, and formerly of the Sherwood Foresters was killed in action on October 8th with an anti tank bullet. He died on his way to the dressing station. In a letter to Mrs Gleaden by her husband's commanding officer he stated that Sergt Gleaden was a splendid soldier and well liked and respected by officers and men alike. He tendered his deepest sympathy to the widow in her great bereavement. it was just a year ago October 4th when he was wounded and his brother Herbert was one of the stretcher bearers. The deceased spent some time in Epsom Hospital and after a short leave at Retford returned to France last Easter Sunday. He was the eldest son of Mr and Mrs J Gleaden , 21 Beehive Street, Retford. and two of his brothers are serving. Pte Herbert Gleaden is in France and was in Retford Territorials when war broke out. The second son George is in the Royal Air Force. All three were home on leave last February. The deceased was a well known employee at the Retford Co Op Stores and was highly respected by a large circle of friends. He was a valued member of St Albans Church choir. He joined up on September 16th 1916 and had been recommended for the Military medal. He was a lewis gunner
Ordsall St Alban's parish magazine, December 1918: 'St Alban’s Choir has sustained two serious losses – Sgt W Gleaden who had sung bass for over 14 years has fallen in action in France ...' (Retford Local Studies Library, ref 942.52 ORD)