Greenfield Cecil Coney
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Greenfield Cecil Coney was born in 1897 to Herbert and Alice Coney. Herbert had married Alice Eliza Rhodes in Worksop in 1883 and took residence at 17 Potter Street, Worksop, the French Horn public house which Herbert was the innkeeper. Greenfield was the 5th child of 6, and youngest son, all born in Worksop. By 1901, the family were living at 1 Castle Hill Square, with Herbert having a change of occupation to horse breaker. A few months later in that year, he died age 49. The remaining family were living at 16 Ryton Street, Worksop in 1911.
Pte C.G.Coney Worksop Guardian 29 September 1916
Another Worksop hero who’s death it is our reluctant duty to record this week is Pte Greenfield Coney, better remem-bered as Cecil Coney, Youngest son of Mrs. And the late Mr. Herbert Coney, 16 Ryton Street Worksop. Pte Coney reached his nineteenth year last birthday, and all honour is due to him in the fact that he enlisted when about eighteen, and served in the Army for a year before he fell. He joined the Welbeck Rangers, 17th S.F. in August of 1915, together with several other Worksop men, and with these he went out a few months ago, his last leave being in February this year. Many of the old Abbey School boys will remember him. He was always cheerful and foremost in any schoolboy pranks. The news of his death which though unofficial, appears to be only too true was received by his mother on Friday. She was not altogether unprepared for it, for just before she heard that her son had been wounded. It would seem therefore, that Pte. Coney died from wounds sustained in action. In notifying Mrs Coney of Cecil being wounded, Pte S. Battersby, C Co., 17th S.F., also a Worksop man said:-
“In writing these lines it gives me great pain to tell you that your son Cecil got wounded in the terrible fighting of last Sunday. We had been friends for a long time, and it was his wish for me to write and tell you if the worst happened. I have only heard that he was wounded, and should I hear anything more I will let you know at once.”
On Thursday morning a post card arrived, conveying the melancholy news,, “Dear Mrs. Coney,-I must write you a few lines to tell you that poor Greenfield got killed on September 3rd. We went into action on Sunday, and I saw him then. We were together to the last, and I was wounded. –Yours Sincerely, A.F. Vickers”.
On September 19th, Pte. Vickers, having reached hospital wrote again to Mrs Coney on Friday in the following terms: -
“Dear Mrs. Coney, no doubt you will have heard of Greenfields death in action. He was killed on 3rd September. We had a certain place to take on the ________ and we did give it them. Your son was killed instantly, and must have felt no pain; he was cheery to the last. He is buried in a cemetery by the side of his comrades, and he has done his bit for King and Country. He was a good pal to me, and I miss him very much, in fact I hardly know what to do. I cannot help but think about him. You have my deepest sympathy in the loss of so gallant a son. Believe me, he died a noble death. _ I remain, yours sincerely, Pte A.E.Vickers.” Before he enlisted Pte Coney was with Messrs. Smith Bros, Ltd Albion Mills
Pte C G Coney Worksop Guardian 8 December 1916
Official news were received on Saturday of the death killed in action in France on September 3rd, of Pte C G Coney, of the 17th Sherwood Foresters, son of Mrs Coney, 16 Ryton Street, Worksop, whom we reported missing on September 30th.
CWG additional information:- Son of Mrs. A. E. Coney, of 35, Victoria Rd., Worksop.
Commemorated on the Ancre British Cemetery Beaumont-Hemel, France.
Research by Colin Dannatt