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This data is related to World War 1

Thomas Lane

Service number 24226
Military unit 11th Bn Lancashire Fusiliers
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 10 Aug 1917 (37 years old)
Place of birth Shireoakes near Worksop, Notts
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

Thomas (or Tom) Lane was the youngest child of John and Ann Lane, nee Hall. He was born in 1880 in Shireoaks, near Worksop, like all his other siblings who were, William born 1865, Sarah born 1868, Elizabeth born 1872, Alice born 1874 and Maria born 1876. By 1891, the family home had moved to 49 Eastgate, Worksop and all had left home except Tom and his sister Alice. Their father, John had now set up in business as a grocer. Ten years later, the only change in the family was that Tom was now working as a maltster’s labourer. In 1904, John died at the age of 74. 1911 saw Ann as a widow, Alice working as a domestic cook and Tom working as a builders bricklayer. Their mother died in 1917 age 79 shortly after the death of her son Tom.

Military history

Lance Corpl. T. Lane Worksop Guardian 7 June 1918
Information has been received from the War Office, by Miss Alice Lane, that her brother, Lance Corpl. Tom Lane, Lancashire Fusiliers, who was reported missing on August 10th last year, was killed on that date. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Lane, of East Gate Worksop, and prior to enlisting shortly after the outbreak of the war, he worked as a bricklayer, in which capacity he was well known in the town and neighbourhood. He was wounded in 1916, and returned to France in December of the same year. He had taken part in much of the fighting. Repeated enquiries had been made by his relatives since he was reported missing, but without avail, and the news of the death confirms their worst fears. Lance Corpl. Lane was 37 years of age. Much sympathy is expressed with his relatives.

Extra information

Commemorated on Ypers (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium.
Research by Colin Dannatt
