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This data is related to World War 1

Walter Stokes

Service number CH/10147
Military unit Royal Marine Light Infantry
Address Unknown
Date of birth 06 Jun 1879
Date of death 12 Nov 1914 (35 years old)
Place of birth Radford Nottingham
Employment, education or hobbies

He enlisted in the Royal Marines on 12 January 1898 (register number 10147). In 1911 he was an engineering worker ('boring and filling troughs') in a laundry.

Family history

The 1911 census records that Walter and his wife, Annie, were living at 3 Gladstone Terrace, Shipstone Street, Hyson Green. They had been married for 8 years and had had two children born living of whom only one, Doris Evelyn (2), survived.

They later moved to 2 Alma Terrace, John Street, Nottingham, and were at that address when John died. Annie later remarried (Holland) and moved 1 Rob Roy Terrace, John Street, New Basford, Nottingham (CWGC).

Military history

(RMR, B1594 Ch.) He initially enlisted in the Royal Marines on 12 January 1898. On re-enlistment he served in the RMLI in HMS Edinburgh, an armed merchant cruiser. Edinburgh Castle sailed from Spithead on 19 September 1914 and was at sea when Walter died from disease (for details of voyage see ship's log at He was buried at sea at 0540 on 13 November 1914 at Lat. 18.07S Long. 38.45W. He is commemorated on the Chatham Naval Memorial.

Stokes was one of 'Kitchener's Marines' who were transferred from the Sherwood Foresters to the RMLI. Des Turner notes '600 RMLI transfers came from 2 regiments - 200 from the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI) and 400 from the Sherwood Foresters. They were predominantly ex-miners and labourers, fit men wanted for their ability to dig trenches and tunnels. The 200 KOYLI recruits were transferred to Plymouth Division RMLI and were given service numbers PLY/1(S) to PLY200(S). This was also the case for the Sherwood Foresters 200 who were dispatched to Portsmouth where already 30 men were recruited and so they became PO/31(S) to PO/230(S). 200 remaining Foresters went to Chatham and were numbered CH/1 to CH/200(S).'

Extra information

Nottingham Post notice (abridged), 12 November 1915. 'Stokes. Private Walter Stokes RMLI of HMS Edinburgh Castle, died at sea 12 November 1914. Wife and children.'

Nottingham Post notice (abridged), 21 November 1914: 'Stokes. On November 12th at sea on HMS Edinburgh Castle, Private W Stokes RMLI, 2 Alma Terrace, New Basford, age 34.'

Nottingham Post notice (abridged), 25 November 1914: 'Private W Stokes RMLI, 2 Alma Terrace, New Basford, died at sea on Edinburgh Castle.'


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