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This data is related to World War 1

James Harold Harrison

Service number 117512
Military unit 10th Bn Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment)
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 20 Oct 1918 (20 years old)
Place of birth Worksop, Notts
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

James Harold Harrison was born in Worksop in 1898. His parents were William and Bertha Harrison (nee Aislabie). The family lived at 4 Hill Street, Worksop when James was born. He had 5 siblings, 4 older and one younger, John W, George, Hilda, Fred and Charles. In 1911 the family had moved and were living at 8 Clinton Street.

Military history

James was attested at Worksop on 10 Dec 1915 with the Sherwood Foresters. He declared his mother, Bertha, as his next of kin and who lived at 78 Central Ave, Worksop. The following day he was put on the army reserve and was not mobilised until 11th May 1918. He was posted to France and joined the 10th Battalion 9/9/1918 and a few weeks later, died of his wounds on 20th Oct 1918 and is commemorated on the Vis En-Artois Memorial, France.

Extra information

Research by Colin Dannatt
