Harry Hibbard
he was a joiners labourer
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George Hibbard married Anne Whitaker in Worksop in 1874. They were both born in Worksop and spent their whole lives there. They produced children, Sarah, George, Benjamin, Tom, Alice, Charles, Henry, Florence and Leonard all born in Worksop, of course. In 1891 they were living at number 9 Frederick Street in Worksop and it was still the family home some 20 years later. It was two of the family that were later to fall in the great war, Tom and Henry (Harry). Tom Hibbard was born in 1887 and Harry in 1894. Harry, as was called in his military days, was named at birth as, Albert Henry Hibbard and referred to as Henry in the census. In 1911 when he was 17, he was 17 living with sister, Alice, and her husband working as joiners labourer at Shireoaks colliery and resident at 9 Low Grounds near Worksop. His brother Tom . at the turn of the twentieth century, was working as a pit pony driver and in 1907, their father died. After this event, in 1908, Tom married Emily Keywood and a year later they had a daughter Winifred Mary. In 1910 they produced another daughter, Edith Ann and, sadly, in the following year, his mother, Annie died aged 52. By this time, Tom was still working in the local pit, but as a coal miner hewer.
Harry Hibbard, and Pte Tom Hibbard Worksop Guardian 3 December 1915As the days of the war continue, the horrors of the great conflict are bought home to us more vividly. It is our duty to chronicle this week the deaths in action of two members of a Worksop family, two brothers, Bombardier Harry Hibbard, R.F.A of Woodend, Worksop, and Pte Tom Hibbard, 15798 of the 9th Battalion of the South Staffordshire Regiment, Pioneers, formerly of Lincoln Street, Worksop. They were both born in Worksop – have lived in the town all their lives – being sons of the late Mr and Mrs George Hibbard of 9 Frederick Street, Worksop, and brothers of Mrs Fred Webster, Woodend, Mrs H Palmer of the Woodhouse Hotel, Woodend and Mrs D Appleby of Sandy Lane, Worksop, widow of the late Mr D Appleby, J.P. The gallant soldiers were well known and highly respected in Worksop and their many friends will learn of their deaths with sincere and heartfelt sympathy. The first to be killed was Bombardier Harry Hibbard, who some months ago was reported missing. The relatives feared that he had paid the supreme sacrifice, and now it is beyond doubt he was killed at La Bassee apparently in October 1914 ! This news is conveyed by Pte E Kiff, 73224, 11 Battery, R.F.A, to whom Mrs Fred Webster Wrote for information. He was attached to the same battery as Harry, and writing from the Red Cross Hospital at Netley, Southampton says:- “ Harry was killed at La Bassee when the guns were taken. We had a very warm time of it at Mons. We lost a large number of men, but we killed hundreds of Germans, who had a hot time”. Bombardier Hibbard was a regular soldier when war was declared and of course he was fully trained. He was among the very first to be landed in France to strike a blow for dear old England, and for the cause of civilisation. He was only 23 years of age and unmarried. An officers’ servant, he was promoted to Bombardier soon after the outbreak of hostilities. He formerly lived with his sister at Woodend. As regards Pte Tom Hibbard, he was killed on November 18th in France. A miner, he was working at the Manton Colliery of the Wigan Coal and Iron Company when Lord Kitchener appealed for men and he answered the urgent call promptly. He enlisted in September 1914 in the South Staffordshire Regiment, Pioneers and was attached to the Machine Gun Section. He had only been in France three months. It appears he was wounded in the leg on the morning of November 18th and although everyone thought he would recover, he succumbed to his injuries in the afternoon of the same day. Some years ago Tom married Miss Emily Keywood of Steetley, whom he leaves with five young children, the eldest of which has not yet seen seven summers. Up to the time of enlisting, he lived with his family in Lincoln Street, Worksop, but Mrs Hibbard recently removed to 18 Woodend, Worksop. Another brother, Pte George Hibbard formerly of Lincoln Street, Worksop, enlisted some time ago when working at the Beighton Colliery and living at Woodhouse. He is with the Coldstream Guards in training at Windsor. He used to work at the Manton Colliery. No news of how Bombardier Hibbard died are to hand, but there is no doubt, that like his brother, he died as only a British soldier can do, during the terrible fighting in the early days of the war, when the Kaiser’s hordes attacked the “contemptible little Army”. We do know, however, that both he and his brother were very popular with their comrades and much liked by all: Tom was an ‘excellent soldier’. Proof of this is forthcoming in the letters received by Tom’s widow from Lieut. H M Beeson, 9th Staffords, and also from Capt. C S Marchant. The fist letter came from Lieut. Beeson, who told of how Tom had been wounded. He said:- “I regret to have to inform you that your husband has been wounded in the leg. He was an excellent soldier and we all regret his injury very much.” The following day, the Lieutenant wrote:- “ It is with the greatest regret that I have to inform you that your husband has succumbed to his wounds. It was at first thought he would pull through, but in the afternoon he died. His death is deeply felt by me and all his old comrades who were with him in the Machine Gun Section. We all wish to convey to you our sympathy. He was an excellent man and a British soldier right through. Capt. C S Marchant, who is in command of D Company, also wrote a letter of sympathy in which he said:- “ I am very sorry to have to write to you about the death of your husband. He was in the Machine Gun Section, and had not been with his company lately. He was a good soldier, and, what is more out here, he was always cheery, no matter how many discomforts we had to put up with. He was very good with the younger men, but especially to one whom he looked after like a brother. We are all very sorry he has gone – officers and men alike – and I ask you to accept our deepest sympathy in your sad loss. But it will comfort you to know that he died as a soldier should. To the relatives of the deceased soldiers, much sympathy will be extended in this their hour of bitter trial. In the case of Tom, his death is particularly sad owing to his young family left behind. Nevertheless, they have nobly fought in the cause of honour, in the cause of liberty, in the cause of freedom and all for which Christianity stands. This must be their consolation, together with the undeniable fact that the brothers died glorious deaths, and died as their officers say, “Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”
Spelt Hibberd on Worksop Cenotaph memorial. Brother of Tom Hibbard also killed 13/10/18 (see Guardian report). Commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial, France.Research by Colin Dannatt