Horace Coe
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Horace Coe was born in Desborough, Northants in 1886. He was the youngest child of 4, born to William and Clara Coe. His elder brother, George, Frank and Lewis were all born in Desborough. Shortly after Horace was born, their mother Cara died aged 43 in 1891. By 1901. Horace no longer resident with his widower father and brothers. He appears again in 1909 when he marries Elsie Coe of Desborough, on the 20th of October at Desborough living at 79 Paddock Lane, Desborough. Before 1911, the couple were living in Worksop where they had their first child, Leslie, on 29 Nov 1911. By the time they had their second child, Margaret Ellen, on 21 March 1914, they must have been living at 139 Eastgate, Worksop. After the demise of her husband, Elsie had forwarded to her Horace’s personal possessions which consisted of 1 watch, 1 chain, 1 key and 1 letter on the 15th April 1916. She was also awarded a pension of 18/6d per week for herself and 2 children with effect from the 26 June 1916 and the following year, married Thomas Hudson at Worksop.
Service record - Enlisted 29 August 1914 being attested at Worksop with the Lincolnshire Regt. He stated that he was born at Desborough, Northants, age 32, living at 139 Eastgate, Worksop and had previously served time with the Rifle Brigade, time expired. He was posted to his regiment on 30 Aug 1914, promoted to Cpl 6 Sept , appointed Sgt 23 Dec 1914 and drafted to the Mediterranean BEF 1st July 1915. He was transferred to D Company on the 19th July at the Dardanelles. On the 17th Dec 1915 he was dangerously wounded with GSW to chest and abdomen whilst on board HMS Soudan. He died of his wounds the following day and was buried at sea on the 19th Dec 1915 after serving year 112 days
Sergt. Horace Coe Worksop Guardian 31 December 1915
On Christmas day, when the bells were ringing in the anniversary of the birth of the Prince of Peace, Mrs Coe of 139 Eastgate, Worksop, received the distressing news that her husband, Sergt. Horace Coe, 10513, 8th Lincolnshire Reg-iment had died of wounds sustained in action at the Dardanelles. The receipt of the news was doubly sad as that day would have been the birthday of the deceased soldier. Sergt Coe who was well known and deservedly popular in Worksop, was a brave and seasoned soldier. He had eight years good service in the Rifle Brigade to his credit when, as a Reservist he was called up on the outbreak of the war. When the 6th Battalion of the Lincolnshire Regiment was formed he was transferred. His exceptional abilities as a soldier were soon recognised and he was promoted to Ser-geant in May, and went to the Dardanelles in June. With the dash and determination of a British NCO, he lead his men into many battles in Gallipoli. Some time ago he was wounded – all his teeth were knocked out through the explosion of a shell – but he was soon back into the firing line again, as brave and as plucky as ever. He was wounded again on 18th December, through gun shot fire through the chest and abdomen, and immediately on being put on board the hospital ship, Soudan, he died. The price of victory is indeed great! A week last Wednesday his wife received a letter from him in which he said he had ‘done something’, which meant either honour or promotion. He promised to tell all in his next letter. Sergt Coe who before residing in Eastgate, lived in Carlton Road, was a policeman and was at Work-sop for two years. He resigned from the Force, however, and for a year before rejoining his regiment, worked at the Dinnington Main Colliery. He was 30 years of age. The widow has received letters of sympathy from the King and Lord Kitchener. The news is all the more sad as the Sergeant leaves two children, the eldest being only four years old. To her and her children the genuine sympathy of a wide circle of friends will be extended in this their sad trial, but the sergeant died as he had lived, a gallant soldier and a gentleman and “Greater love hath no man than this …”
Sergeant Horace Coe Worksop Guardian 7 January 1916
Sergeant Horace Coe, 6th Lincolnshire Regiment of 139 Eastgate, Worksop, whose death on board a hospital ship from injuries received at the Dardanelles, we reported last week. Formerly a policeman at Worksop, he was working at Dinnington Colliery when he was ordered to join his regiment.
Commemorated on the Helles Memorial, Turkey.
Research by Colin Dannatt