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This data is related to World War 1

George Samuel Heaps

Service number 305016
Military unit 1st Bn Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment)
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 29 Jan 1918 (36 years old)
Place of birth Worksop, Notts
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

Samuel Heaps and Lucy Stubbins married in Worksop in 1877. Whilst living at 37 Waestgate, they had four children, Charlotte Rose in 1879, Christopher in 1881, George Samuel 1882 and John in 1884. Christopher died in infancy shortly after being born. 4 years later, Samuel Heaps died in 1885 age 25 and to make matters worse for the children, their mother Lucy died in 1891 age 35. Charlotte Rose Heaps married George Bowskill in 1897 in Worksop. She was chief mourner at George’s funeral. In 1891, George was living with his maternal uncle and family, John and Sarah Heaps at 8 Cemetery Road, Cheapside, Worksop, and by 1901 was living as a boarder and working as a cattle-man in Belph, Whitwell, Derbyshire. 10 years later he was resident back in Worksop at 50 Canal Road as a boarder. John Heaps married Minnie Sims in 1910 in Worksop and lived at 25 Newgate Street. They had three children all born in Worksop, Lilly May Heaps 1910, Rosie 1912 and George S born 1915.

Military history

George Heaps Joined the 8th Battalion Sherwood Foresters Territorial Force on the 13 April 1908 at the age of 25. At the time he was lodging at 50 Canal Road, Worksop. For six years he attended his two week annual with the regiment until 1913. When war was declared, he was embodied into service on 5 August 1914. He was sent to France on the 27 June 1915. After 4 months, he was returned home on the 30 October 1915 but returned again 16 Sept 1916. He spent another two months in France before, once again, returning back to England on the 10 Dec 1916. For reasons we can only speculate, he was discharged from the army of a ‘sickness’ on the 12th November 1917, no longer physically fit for war service. He was awarded a pension of 27/6 per week and awarded a Silver War Badge no. 269028. At the age of 36, he had served 9 years 226 days in the force, including his Territorial service. It was only six weeks later that he died, on the 29th January 1918, presumably of his ‘sickness’ contracted whilst in France. He was buried in the Worksop Retford Road Cemetery without a CWG headstone due to him being no longer a member of the armed forces.

Pte. George Samuel Heaps Worksop Guardian 8 February 1918
The death took place of George Samuel Heaps, of the Sherwood Foresters at 50 Canal Road Worksop, the deceased who was 34 years of age, enlisted with the Territorial’s at the commencement of the war, Shortly afterwards he was drafted to France, and has been home on sick leave twice. The last time was in January, 1917. He received his discharge in October, and had resided with Mrs. Mellars, of 50, Canal Road. Before the war he was employed by Mr. Leverton, builder, but since receiving his discharge he has worked at Manton Colliery. A brother of his was killed a year ago last month. He was a cousin of the late Pte. A.J. Mellars, who was killed in October last. The latter was in the Northumberland Fusiliers, and was very well known, being a member of the local fire brigade, and caretaker of the swimming baths. The funeral of Pte. Heaps took place at the New Cemetery on Saturday, with Military honours. The Rev. J.H.Bligh officiated, and preceding the burial a service was held in the Priory Church. The chief mourners were:- Mrs. R Bowskill, Whitwell (Sister) Mrs. Edson (aunt) Mrs. Heaps (sister in law)
Full list of other mourners are listed in the edition of the above date.

Extra information

George's brother John Heaps, was also killed in the war on 7th Feb 1917.
Research by Colin Dannatt
