Robert James Spanswick
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Robert James Spanswick was born at Ruscombe, Berkshire in 1886. He was the eldest child of James and Mary Spanswick. Their other children were all born in Berkshire and were, Florence 1887, Clara 1889, Thomas 1891, George 1893, William 1895 and Charles born1900. For most of the time the family lived at firstly Wargrave and later in Knowl Hill, Twyford, Berks. In 1911, James, the father and 3 elder sons worked as labourers in brick & tile works, while Robert, was working as a gardener. Three years later, Robert arrived in worksop to take up his employment there.
Sergt. Robert Spanswick Worksop Guardian 13 July 1917
The news that Serg. Robert Spanswick, 9th Leicesters, has been killed in action will be received with much regret by many people in Worksop. Although not a Worksop man, Sergt. Spanswick made numerous friends during his residence here, and sincere sympathy is expressed with his family and his fiancée, Miss Donson, of Newcastle Avenue. Sergt. Spanswick was a native of Twyford, Bucks, and came to Worksop in August 1914. He was connected with the Automobile Association, and was allotted to the County Police as Special Constable, and remained until May, 1915. He was then transferred to Warwick, and whilst there he joined the Sherwood Foresters. He soon gained rank as Musketry Instructor and was sent to France in December, 1916. Here he was transferred to the Leicesters and soon gained his stripes again, being made Sergt, about a week before he was killed in the fighting on June 9th. During his stay in Worksop he resided with Mr. Donson. Writing to his father. Capt. B. Baxter, deceased’s commanding officer, says:-
“I am very grieved to tell you that your son, Serge. R. Spanswick was killed instantly on the night of the 10th. He was in charge of a working party which was heavily shelled, and while seeing to the welfare of his men, he was struck by a splinter from a shell and died instantaneously. I feel his loss very greatly, as I had just promoted his to Sergeant, he being one of the most promising men under my command, always doing his duty cheerfully, in the execution of which he met his death. He was a great favourite with both officers and men and we will all mourn his loss very deeply. If there is anything in any shape or form I am able to do, please don’t hesitate to write.” The Chaplain (Rev. Hugh Sawbridge), in his letter to Mr. Spanswick, says:-“I want to offer you not only my own sympathy but the sympathy of the whole Battalion in your great loss. Your son was a very able N.C.O. respected by all, and he had risen to the rank of Sergeant in less than a year. He will be so greatly missed in his Company. He was buried at 3.30 p.m. on Saturday, June 9th, in a British Military Cemetery, close to the graves of other brave men who have given their lives for their country.-The cemetery and the graves will be well looked after and cared for, the Battalion are having a cross set at the head of the grave, bearing his name and Regt. Number, and the date of death. The cemetery is near a grassy bank to the South of one of the ruined villages. We out here all fully understand how great this is, the sacrifice which mothers and fathers of England are making today, grater even to their splendid sons themselves. May our Heavenly father who knows what it means to give an only son to die in the greatest of causes, that we might live forever in the Eternal Home of Peace and happiness which He left for our sakes, bless and console you and give you strength to bear your sorrow. With all sincerest wishes.”
Formerly 27779, Sherwood Foresters.
Buried Croisilles British Cemetery, France.
Research by Colin Dannatt