Percy Stinson
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Arthur Stinson, a jeweller of 62 Bridge Street Worksop married Sarah Ann Parsons at Sheffield in 1870. The couple had six children over the next 15 years all born in Worksop. They were, Arthur born 1873, Henry 1875, Florence 1881, Bertie 1884 and Percy born 1888. The children’s mother died the year following Percy’s birth, aged 40. Arthur Stinson re-married in 1891 in Worksop to Elvina Charity. There were no more children and Elvina died in 1907 aged 45. Most of the children worked in the jewellers business as they grew older. By 1911, Percy, the youngest, was working in a large department store in 48 Bridge Street Row Chester, as an assistant. He later went to Sheffield where he enlisted in the York and Lancs regiment
Pte Percy Stinson Worksop Guardian 21 July 1916
The sympathies of many residents of Worksop will go out to an old Townsman, Mr. A. Stinson jeweller, Bridge Street, in the loss of his youngest son, Pte Percy Stinson, of the 12th Battalion. York’s and Lancs. Regiment, who was killed by a shell almost instantaneously, in the great push last week. No notification of his death has been received up to the time of writing, but the news came on Friday morning in a letter from another member of his Company, who writes:-
“Dear Mr Stinson,-It is with sincere regret I write these few lines to sympathise with you in your great loss you have sustained in the death of your son Percy. The day previous going into action he had tea with me, and asked if anything happened to him to let you know. I assure you it came as a great shock to me when I heard of his death.
I cannot realise that Percy, who was one of my most personnel friends is dead, and that I shall never meet him again in this world. It will be little consolation to you to know that Percy died doing his duty. He went out to dress the wounds of his comrades when a shell burst close by, killing Percy almost instantaneously, and wounded his friend Pogson (also a stretcher bearer) in the arm. Again, sympathising with you in your sad bereavement. Yours Sincerely; R.S. Prior, Transport section 12th Y.and L. B.E.F.”
Pte Stinson who was 26years of age, was born in Worksop, and attended Ashley House School in his boyhood. Later he was apprenticed as an ironmonger with Messrs, Marris and Co. and remained with their successor, Mr Woffenden. He held situations in Shrewsbury, London, and eventually came to Messrs, T.B. and Wm, Cockayne, of Sheffield, and it was during the period here that he joined the “Sheffield Pals” Battalion. He trained at Red mires, Sheffield, and later at Salisbury Plain, from when he was transferred to Egypt, but later came back to France, and was engaged in the humane work of attending to the injuries of his wounded comrades when he met his death.” Puss”, as he was affectionately known amongst his familiars, was a bright, cheery boy, and made many friends, and his death is greatly regretted. Mr. Stinson’s bereavement is augmented by the fact that he has but recently lost his wife, and the sympathy of his many friends will be extended to him in his double loss.
Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, France.
Research by Colin Dannatt