Henry George Exton
Employed by Mr J E Parsons, Bridge Street, Worksop, and subsequently at Manton Colliery
- Family History
- Military history
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- Photographs
Henry George Exton was the son of George and Harriet Exton (née Snary).
His father George was born in Buckminster, Leicestershire, in 1875, the son of James and Sarah Ann Exton. In 1891 he was living with his parents and siblings in Little Bytham, Lincolnshire. His father was a farmer and George was described as a 'farmer's son', so presumably assisting on the farm.
His mother Harriet Snary was born in 1867 in Empingham, Rutland, the daughter of Thomas Snary. In 1891 she was working in a private house in Kensington, London, as a kitchen maid.
George and Harriet were married at the parish church of Little Bytham on 20 October 1895 (reg. Bourne Lincs) and had six children: Alice May b. Little Bytham 1895 bap. Little Bytham 20 October 1895; Arthur James b. Castle Bytham birth reg. 1897 (J/F/M); John Thomas b. Pickworth Rutland 1898; Henry George b. Northampton 1899; Florence May b. Pickworth 1901 and Frederick William b. Sewerstern 1903 (reg. Melton Mowbray Leicestershire).
In 1901 George (25), occupation 'farmer's son', and Harriet (30) were living in Pickworth, Rutland, with their four children Alice (6), Arthur (5), John (3) and Henry (2). Florence May was born later that year and the youngest child Frederick two years later. Also living in Pickworth was George's married brother John Beecroft Exton (27), a 'farmer's son', his wife Harriet and their son Ernest.
By 1911 the family had settled at 97 Old Road, Brampton, Chesterfield. George was employed as a traction engine driver at a stone quarry and although he was recorded in the family home on the night of the census there was a note alongside his name 'working away for employer.' All six children were in the home: Alice who worked in a cotton mill, Arthur a butcher's apprentice, John, Henry, Florence (9) and Frederick (8).
Some time later the family moved to Worksop, where they lived at 219 Garden City, Kilton Road, Henry worked in the local colliery. His parents were still living at the same address in September 1918.
Arthur James served in the Grenadier Guards but was discharged as unfit for further service having been wounded and was then employed as a munitions worker in Sheffield. John Thomas served with the Royal Garrison Artillery (134169 Gunner) and was discharged in March 1919. One of their sisters was employed on muntions work in Coventry.
Harriet Exton died in 1933 (reg. Worksop)
2nd Bn Essex Regiment, formerly 21278, Leicestershire Regt.
Henry enlisted in October 1917 and served in France from April 1918. He was killed in action on 1 September 1918 and is buried in the Feuchy Chapel British Cemetery, Wancourt, France (grave ref. I.A.6).
Qualified for the British War Medal and Victory Medal.
CWGC - History of Feuchy Chapel British Cemetery (extract): 'Wancourt was captured on 12 April 1917 after very heavy fighting, lost in March 1918, and retaken by the Canadian Corps on the following 26 August. The cemetery was begun by the VI Corps Burial Officer in May 1917, used at intervals until March 1918, and again in August and September 1918. At the Armistice, it contained 249 graves, all in the present Plot I. It was then enlarged when 834 graves (mainly of April and May 1917) were brought in from the battlefields of Fampoux, Roeux, Monchy and Wancourt, and from a few smaller burial grounds [listed].' (www.cwgc.org)
Worksop Guardian 20 September 1918: 'Pte Henry George Exton'
'Victorious though our armies be in France, Flanders and elsewhere, the war cloud continues to cast its gloom over our homes and to sadden the hearts of many, as it has done in the case of Pte Henry George Exton, Essex Regiment, third son of Mr and Mrs George Exton of 219 Garden City, Kilton Road, who was killed in action in France on Sept 1st. Mr and Mrs Exton received the official information on Monday morning. Pte Exton, who would have been 19 years of age next month, was a well conducted and a much liked young man. A typical example of British youth, he volunteered to fight for his country before the age of 18, in October 1917 and was sent out to France in April of this year. As a lad, after leaving school, he was employed by Mr J E Parsons, Bridge Street and subsequently Manton Colliery. He has many friends in the town who will learn with deep regret of his death and whose sympathy will be extended to his relatives. Pte Exton’s elder brother, Arthur James Exton, is working on munitions in Sheffield, having been discharged from the Grenadier Guards, through wounds received in action in France. Another brother, Gunner John Tom Exton, is training with the RGA, whilst a sister is employed in munitions work in Coventry.'
Registers of Soldiers' Effects: his mother Harriet was his sole legatee
Research by Colin Dannatt