Thomas Edward Crofts
He was a pony driver at a colliery
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Thomas Edward Crofts was born in 1897 at Hyson Green and was the son of Thomas Edward a chemical labourer and Martha Crofts née Willbond of The Wharf Pinxton Derbyshire.
His father Thomas Edward was born in 1868 at Sneinton, Nottingham and his mother Martha Willbond was born in 1875 at Royal Pinda, India, they were married in 1896 at Nottingham and went on to have the following children, Thomas b1897 Hyson Green, Jessie May b1899 Pyebridge, Lily b1901 Hyson Green, Daisy b1904 Basford and George Vere b1911 Pinxton.
In the 1911 census the family are living at The Wharf, Pinxton and are shown as Thomas Edward 43 yrs a chemical labourer, he is living with his wife Martha 36 yrs and their children, Thomas 14 yrs a pony driver, Jessie May 12 yrs a scholar, Lily 10 yrs a scholar, Daisy 7 yrs and George Vere 3 months of age
Martha Crofts later lived at 73 Mason Street Sutton in Ashfield Nottinghamshire.
Private Thomas Edward Crofts, enlisted at Mansfield whilst residing at Sutton in Ashfield, he served with 34th Battalion Machine Gun Corps, was killed in action on 31st August 1918 and is buried in La Clytte Military Cemetery.
Article published on 20th September 1918 in the Notts Free Press :-
“Joining the army in 1915, Private Thomas Edward Crofts, of 73, Mason-street, Sutton, was discharged after ten months' service, and returned to the Summit Colliery, where he had the misfortune to meet with an accident. He was again called up in June, 1917, and was drafted to France in the following August. He came to England last New Year's Eve suffering from trench feet and the effects of being slightly gassed, and was subsequently drafted into the Machine Gun Corps. He returned to France in July last and was killed in action on August 31st. Private Crofts' father is serving in France, and was wounded in the Battle of the Somme. Mrs. Crofts has received the following letter:–
“It is with the greatest regret that I write you now with regard to your son, 154679, Private T. E. Crofts. During the recent fighting your son was one of a gun team which took up a position near Furtive Farm, near La Clyte, behind Kemmel village. Before the advance we were subjected to some artillery fire, and one large shell fell by his team. It was only a moment and we were on the spot only to find that your son and four other members of the team had been instantly killed. With all honour we buried them in the little yard of this ruined building, just before we advanced. This was on the 31st August. Yours is the greatest grief I know, and we can scarce know what it all means to you at home, but we would send you our heartfelt sympathy in your great loss. He had not been long in my section, but long enough for me to find out his qualities. He was a very willing and steady soldier in action. – Second-Lieut. V. D. Walker,M.G.C.”
Above article is courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918
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