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This data is related to World War 1

George Percy Mann

Service number 39334
Military unit 9th Bn King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 26 Apr 1918 (18 years old)
Place of birth Eastwood Nottinghamshire
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

James and Annie Mann were living at Nottingham Road, Eastwood, Notts when they had their two children. James was earning his livelihood by working as a bread and biscuits baker when Annie was born in 1899, and George Percy was born in 1900. Sometime in the next 10 years, the four of them moved to Worksop where James continued his work as a baker and confectioner living at 18 Park Street.

Military history

Pte George Percy Mann Worksop Guardian 13 June 1919
The War Office have been ”regretfully constrained” to conclude that Pte George Percy Mann, 9th K.O.Y.L.I., only son of Mr and Mrs James Mann, 18 Park Street, Worksop, who was reported missing since April 25th 1918, was killed on or about that date. The deceased soldier joined the army in 1917 when he was only 19 years of age, and went to France in March 1918, being at the front scarcely a month before he was reported missing. Pte Mann formerly worked with Mr W H Drury, grocer, etc. Bridge Street, Worksop, and much sympathy is expressed with his parents and his sister in their bereavement.

Extra information

CWG additional information:- Son of James and Annie Mann of 47 Eastgate Worksop Nottinghamshire.
Commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium.
Research by Colin Dannatt
