William Flinders
In 1911 he was a plumber.
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He was the son of Albert and Ann Flinders and the brother of Annie May, Gertrude, Mary Elizabeth,Harold and Beatrice Flinders. In 1911 they lived at 21 Edwin Street Nottingham. Albert and Ann later lived at 25, Pym Street Nottingham.
His brother Rifleman Harold Flinders King's Royal Rifles was killed in action 26 September 1915 age 21.
Rifleman William Flinders enlisted in Newark and served with the 1st battalion Kings Royal Rifle Corps, he first landed in France on 11th March 1915, he was killed in action on 17th February 1917 and is buried in Serre Road Cemetery No 1.
Nottingham Evening Post obituary (abridged) 17 March 1917. FLINDERS killed in action February 17th, William Flinders, King’s Royal Rifle Corps, age 20 also Harold killed in action September 26th 1915 age 21, 25 Pym Street. Father, mother, sisters, brother.
Also obituary (abridged) 5 April 1917: Rifleman H Flinders (KRR) killed in action September 26th 1915 age 21 and Rifleman W Flinders King's Royal Rifles, killed in action February 17th 1917 age 30, brothers of 25 Pym Street,
In memoriam published 17th February 1919 in the Nottingham Evening Post :-
“FLINDERS. – Killed in action February 17th, 1917, Rifleman W. Flinders, K.R.R., aged 20 years; also Harold, died of wounds September 25th, 1915, aged 21 years, 25 Pym-street. The supreme sacrifice. – From sorrowing father, mother, sisters, brother, also Alice.
“FLINDERS. – In loving memory of Rifleman W. Flinders, killed in action February 17th, 1917. – Fondly remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Arthur, and fiancée Alice.”
Above in memoriam are courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918