Ernest Charles Starsmore
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- Photographs
Ernest Charles Starsmore was born in Worksop on 1st March 1886. His parents were George Starsmore and Sarah Gammons who had married in 1877 at Huntingdon, Sarah’s native county. Prior to Ernest’s birth, they moved to Fotheringhay, Northants where they had two children, Frederick born 1879 and, Jane born in 1883. Following these events, the family move to Worksop, when Ernest was born and his father took employment as a coal miner and lived at 38 Colbeck Road. By 1901, the family residence had changed to 37 Marecroft, Worksop. Sadly, 3 years later, Ernest’s mother, Sarah died age 55. At the ending of 1911, Ernest married Gertrude Milnes on the 18 Dec at St Johns Church, Worksop and had three children, Gertrude in 1912, Charles in 1913 and Vera in 1915. It seems quite bizarre that Ernest’s father, George, died on the 27 July 1917, exactly 2 months to the day before Ernest.
Pte. E. C. Starsmore Worksop Guardian 9 November 1917
Another brave and gallant Worksop soldier has been lost in Pte. Charles Starsmore, Sherwood Foresters, who resided at 9, Negate Street. He had been officially reported ‘missing’ since September 26th, and on Monday his wife received the intimation of his death. She was not unprepared for the news, as she had previously received a letter from T Richardson, R. L. M., who also wrote Mrs. Argyle, of the “Blue Bell Inn”, Pte. Starsmore’s sister. In his letter to Mrs. Starsmore, Richards says:-
“It is with heartfelt sympathy that I write these few lines to you, to tell you that I, with some of my men, found on the battlefield the body of your husband, along with some more and an officer in a shell-hole. All belonged to the Sherwood Foresters. They had apparently been caught with a shell and killed instantly. I hope it will relieve you to know he died a hero’s death, suffering no pain. I had his body put in a grave along with those of his friends, and a small wooden cross with the Number, Name, and Regiment of each person. He had only a pocket wallet in his possession containing photographs. They have been sent away and no doubt you will, in due course, receive them from the War Office.”
Private Starsmore was 31 years of age, and leaves three children. Prior to joining the Army in November, 1916, he was employed as a carter by Mr. J. T. Shardlow, mineral water manufacturer, by whom he was much esteemed. He had been so engaged for twenty years, ever since leaving school and he was thus very well known and respected in both the Town and district. He went to France at the end of February this year. He was at home nine weeks ago and was killed three weeks after his return to France. He had been a member of the Oddfellows Club (Loyal Victoria Lodge), for a considerable time. Much sympathy is felt for his widow, children and other relatives
Commemorated on the Tyne Cot cemetery, Belgium.
Research by Colin Dannatt