Alexander Sprowell
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Frank Sprowell and Annie Green married in Worksop in 1882. Frank had several different jobs, a baker’s labourer, a carters labourer and by 1911, a horseman for the Urban District Council. The couple had four children all born in Worksop. Thomas Arthur, the eldest, was born in 1885. His only sister Mary was born 1888 then Alexander in 1892 and finally Frank, in 1895. In 1901, the family were living in Low Town Street, number. 4 Court, Worksop. The first one to leave the family was Thomas as he married Susannah Marshall of Worksop in 1910. They set up home at 147 Cheapside where Thomas worked as a jobbing gardener. The other two boys had also started working at this time, Frank as an apprentice wood turner and Alexander as a wood yard labourer. When war was declared, all three boys enlisted.
Pte Alex Sprowell Worksop Guardian 18 May 1917
A great trouble has befallen Mr and Mrs Frank Sprowell of Clinton Street, Worksop, in the death in action of their second son, Pte Alexander Sprowell, Sherwood Foresters, which occurred during the very heavy fighting on the 27th and 28th of last month. Pte Sprowell was one of three brothers that enlisted for service on June 9th 1916. The eldest boy, Tom who is married, worked at Osberton, and the other two, Alexander and Frank, were both employed at Messrs Tomlinson and Smith’s Woodyard. They were inseparable as lads and stuck together as men and though they both joined together they were, to their greatest disappointment, in different Battalions. Pte’s Alexander and Tom Sprowell were in different battalions of the Sherwood Foresters, and Pte Frank Sprowell, after first being passed for home service is now in France in the Cheshire Regt. Though the three were in France they never met, and to the parents fell the sorrowful duty of acquainting their other two sons with the death of their brother. The official intimation simply states that he was killed in action, but a letter from a friend serving in the same battalion adds that he died instantaneously and was buried by the Chaplain near a ruined cemetery. The poor lad had been in France since October 5th last, and before going spent a few days at home. This was the last time his parents saw him. Pte Sprowell was a well conducted young man, a good son and a loyal brother. He was a bright and cheerful disposition and in his letters home he made light of the hardships he was called upon to endure. He was a brave lad, and we may be sure of it, that though by nature of a pacific turn of mind, he would not shrink from the combat. He had in fact taken part in much heavy fighting and he has died on the field of honour fighting for his country and for those principles of freedom which are challenged by German militarism. Mr and Mrs Sprowell are well respected by all who know them. Mr Sprowell is an old employee of the Worksop Urban Council and the sympathy of the towns people will be extended to them in their great sorrow.
He is buried in St Patrick's Cemetery, Loos, France.
Alexander's brother, Thomas Arthur, was also killed in the war.
Research by Colin Dannatt