Albert Pinkney
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There was only one family of Pinkney’s in Worksop in 1911. Prior to Worksop, they had been living in the Thornton le Dale, Pickering in Yorkshire area. The parents, Albert Pinkney had married Ellen Bain in 1887 at Richmond, Yorkshire. Albert described himself as a sheep & cattle doctor or vet and in 1891 was living in Barnes Lane Maltongate, Thornton Dale. They had six children all born at Thornton Dale at Upper Carr, Pickering, where they resided in 1901. Their children were named, Harold born in 1889, Albert (sometimes called Bert) in 1894, Nellie or Ellen in 1896, Martha born 1897, Joseph in 1903 and Ann born 1905. They arrived in Worksop after 1905 with the exception of Harold and Albert junior. In 1911 they had taken residence of 33 Kilton Road and Albert senior was working in a wood yard. The whereabouts of Albert the younger is not known at this date but it was from Worksop that he enlisted a few years later.
Lance Corpl. Albert Pinkney Worksop Guardian 10 May 1918
There is something very pathetic in the circumstances under which Lance Corpl. Albert Pinkney, Sherwood Foresters, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Pinkney, 7, Kilton Road, Worksop, met his death. The deceased lad, who was 24 years of age, enlisted in March 1916, and had been in France some considerable time, taking part in all the heavy fighting that had fallen to the lot of the “Old Stubborns” and escaping until the end came without a scratch. The poor boy had not been home for some time, and was looking forward to another leave. He refers to this in a letter which he had handed to his officer, to censor only a very short time before he was killed, and which was forwarded to his mother by Sec, Lieut A. Hodwin Smith, who wrote informing her of the circumstances of her son’s death:-
“It is with great regret that I have to inform you that a serious accident happened this afternoon to your son. He was asleep with Pte. R Watson, a friend of his in a shelter in our trench, when a shell exploded close to them, and they must have died at once, without knowing anything about it. It has been a great loss, not only to the Platoon, but to the entire company, and to every one of us, it was a terrible grief when what had happened. I went up at once to find out if anyone had been seriously hurt, as I saw the shell come, and then the stretcher bearers. I saw it was fatal when I got there. The Platoons Serg. was with your son and I was not at all surprised to find his eyes full of tears. I need hardly say that I send you my deepest and heartfelt sympathy that God may give you all his comfort in your great loss. Your son was greatly loved by everybody in the Platoon and I know his loss will be felt by all of us. He was always so reliable. When on the line of march his position was at my side so that I have many a happy conversation with him to call to mind. With my thoughts and sympathy.”
Before enlisting, Lance Corpl. Pinkney was an employee of the Worksop Urban Council, in whose employ his father, who is now an invalid, had been for some years. He was a good and steady lad, and his death is a severe blow to his parents.
He is buried in Fouquieres Churchyard Extension,France.
Research by Colin Dannatt