George Harold Parker
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Charles Edward Parker of Retford married Sally Hopkinson of Worksop in 1894 in Worksop. By 1901 they were living at number 8 Church Walk and had two children, Mary born 1895 and George Harold born 1897. A year later saw their last child, Catherine Mary Parker. By 1911, the family were living under the roof of Charles Parker, the widower and grandfather to George who was now a grocer’s apprentice.
Pte George Parker Worksop Guardian 7 January 1916
News reached Worksop on Wednesday that Pte George Parker, 13858, 3rd Dorset Regiment attached to the 7th Munster Fusiliers, B.E.M. had been killed in action on December 7th. No details are given by the War Office as to where the deceased had been fighting, but he went to the Persian Gulf many months ago. On October 14th, the last postcard was received from him by his relatives in which he stated; “Hope you are all quite well. I am in excellent health. No time for a letter at present.” The gallant soldier was the only son of Mr and Mrs Charles Edward Parker of 166 Newcastle Avenue, Worksop, and brother of Mrs T Hammond of 44 Westgate. He comes of a patriotic family and early in the September 1914, he answered Lord Kitchener’s call for recruits. Very popular and highly respected by a wide circle of friends, the news of his death will come as a great shock. They will, however, unite in expressing deep sympathy with his relatives in this their hour of bitter trial. There is consolation, for we may be very sure that George died as he lived – a brave, steady, well conducted young man. The King and Lord Kitchener have expressed their sympathy. For some years previous to enlistment, he worked for Mr T Hucknall, boot maker, Ryton Street, Worksop. He was a prominent member of St Anne’s Church Bible Class. A single man, he was only 19 years of age.
CWG additional information - Son of Mr. C. E. Parker, of 166, Newcastle Avenue, Worksop, Notts.
Formerly 20608, Reserve Cavalry Regiment.
His name is commemorated at the Doiran memorial, Greece.
Research by Colin Dannatt