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This data is related to World War 1

Richard Slater

Service number 39828
Military unit 2/6th Bn South Staffordshire Regiment
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 21 Mar 1918 (Age unknown)
Place of birth Worksop, Notts
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

Richard Slater was the youngest child on a family of 11 and was born in Worksop. They lived many years at Back Crown Street, Worksop. The parents of the family were John and Sarah Slater, nee Peters. All the males in the family took work in the local collieries, Richard starting off as a pit pony driver.

Military history

Richard enlisted at Worksop, went to France, was killed in action and was named on the Arras Memorial.

Extra information

Research by Colin Dannatt


No photos