Francis William Robinson
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
Francis William Robinson was the third child of John Henry and Mary Robinson. Like his siblings, he was born in Lin-coln. The couple had four children all told. Mabel A born 1883, John M born 1884, Frances William born 1887 and Harriet Agnes born 1888. By 1891, the family had moved from Lincoln to Metheringham where father John, was working as a butcher and living at High Street Metheringham. A few years later, they moved again, this time, to Worksop where John senior, died in 1896 age 40. 5 years later, Mary was resident with her children at 39 Norfolk Street, and working for herself as a shop keeping green grocer. The children were also contributing as Mabel was dressmaking, John a book keepers assistant and Francis a P. O. messenger. By 1911, the family had split up. John married and he and Francis moved back to Lincoln living at 3 High Street, where they were making a living as boot makers. Mary and her youngest daughter Harriet, were employed as house servants for Thomas C Garrett, a medical practitioner at 15 Eastgate, Worksop. Francis’s short lived future details are given in his obituary contained in the Worksop Guardian with his military history.
Pte Francis William Robinson Worksop Guardian 4 August 1916
On Saturday morning news was received of the death, killed in action in France of Pte. Francis William Robinson, of the 10th Sherwood Foresters, and the son of the late Mr. J.H. Robinson, and Mrs Robinson, of 85, Watson Road, Worksop. The news, though unofficial, is it is to be feared quite true. Sergt, J Cain, writing to Mrs. Robinson, says, he is sorry to have to inform her of the death of her son, who was killed in action on July 10th. He was, says the Sergt, a good distance from the regiment when he picked him up. The photograph and a small book were the only means of identification, and had taken the first opportunity of sending them. Another letter was received from Pte H Coupland, saying, how sorry he was that the sad news had to be forwarded to Mrs. Robinson, but Sergt, Cain had shown him a photograph and small book belonging to her son. Pte Coupland added that he was a Worksop man and enquiries from his wife, at 14, Norfolk Street would show who he was. A visit to Mrs. Coupland, disclosed the fact that her husband had written her saying that the section Sergt: had called to him that a Worksop man had fallen, and he went to him and recognised him as Pte Robinson. He was then quite dead. Pte Robinson who was 29 years of age, was apprentice at Mr. Hodges, grocer Eastgate, and afterwards with Pearks Stores, but at the time of his enlistment in January, 1915 he was employed at Mablethorpe. He joined the 9th Sherwood Foresters and was sent to the Dardanelles Expedition on July 10th 1915. He was wounded the following August by a piece of shrapnel in the thigh, and came back to England, but recovered and was sent to France in Feb: of this year, and has been in the trenches since that time. Pte. Robinson was a smart soldier, well-known and popular in Worksop, and utmost sympathy is felt with his widowed mother in her sad bereavement
CWGC - Son of Mary Robinson, of 3, High St., Lincoln, and the late John Henry Robinson. Native of Worksop.
He is buried in Dantzig Alley British Cemetery, Mametz , France.
Research by Colin Dannatt