Charles Richard Redfearn
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Charles Richard Redfearn was born in Worksop in 1877 to parents William Jonathan and Sarah Tinkler. Their mother, Charles and brother William were residing with their grandfather when Charles was 4 years old. He became a joiner as he got older and in the 1901 census was living as a boarder in the Gails household at 14 Union Street, Retford. Also living in the same residence was a Retford girl called Alice Green. It was here where they struck up a relationship as in 1902, the couple married in Retford. By 1911 they were living back in Worksop at 44 Cheapside as well as 4 sons.
Pte Charles Redfearn Worksop Guardian 17 December 1915
After a brief spell – a spell only too brief – news is now to hand telling of a further Worksop soldier who has made the supreme sacrifice and has paid the price of victory by a glorious death. The victim is Pte Charles Redfearn of the 1st 8th Sherwood Foresters (Territorial Force) of 15 Aldred Street, Worksop. He was a soldier well liked and very popular. A prominent member of the Worksop Town Band, he will be greatly missed as the clarionette player and the same remark applies with equal force relative to his ability as a bell ringer at the Priory Church. Deceased is a nephew of W H Law, a former Town Councillor and for many years, sub post master at the Cheapside Post Office, and church warden at the Priory. Prayers for the repose of the soul of the deceased were recited at the church on Sunday morning. The wife of the deceased has a brother in France – Pte F Green of Retford – who, writing to his mother points out that Pte Redfearn was attending to a wounded soldier when the Germans turned a machine gun upon them. The result of the German treachery was that the deceased soldier was admitted into the London Casualty Clearing Station (France) on Nov. 23rd with serious gunshot wounds in the thigh and in both legs. On Dec. 1st he was removed to the 10th Stationary Hospital, where he died seven days later. He had been fighting for the dear old land ever since Feb 25th except during the period between Sept. 21st and 28th, which he spent in England on leave. Pte Redfearn evidently had a premonition of his own death. When on leave he said to many of his numerous friends, that whenever a soldier came on furlough from the front, he was killed very soon on returning. As it was he returned to France on Sept. 28th and six weeks later he was in hospital “dangerously wounded.” The first intimation received by Mrs Redfearn that he husband was wounded, was contained in a letter from the sister in charge of the London Casualty Clearing Station, E U Long, who under date No. 24th said :- “ I regret to say that your husband was bought into this hospital last night ( Nov. 23rd) dangerously wounded in both legs and that he is very ill. I assure you that we will do everything in our power for him, and I do hope in a few days to have better news for you.” Later a letter was received from the Territorials’ chaplain, Capt. The Rev. J P Hales who was with them at Newark, Derby, Luton and Harpenden, and was evidently very friendly , and well known to the deceased. Writing on Nov. 25th, Mr Hales said:- “ I went to see Charlie in hospital yesterday – you know he is seriously wounded – both legs broken. He was very cheerful and glad to see me. He sends his love to you and says you are not to worry. I am going to try and see him today, but he is a long way off. I know him well. We have always been good friends. Cheer up. It’s anxious work but God’s strength never fails. May he bless you.” The following day Mr Hale wrote, “ I went to see Charlie again yesterday and am sorry to say he was very ill. I think for a moment that he knew me but he had had morphia and was more or less unconscious. I do feel so for you…God bless you.” The official wire on Dec. 2nd from the officer in charge of Territorial Records at Litchfield said that deceased was suffering with gun shot wounds in the thigh. They later telephoned that deceased had died. The distressing news is all the more sad, as Private Redfearn leaves a widow and four young children the eldest of whom is not yet thirteen years of age. To them the greatest sympathy of a wide circle of friends will be extended in this their time of bitter trial.
Pte Charles Redfearn Retford Times 28 July 1916
The death of gallant stretcher bearer Pte Charles Redfearn of the Sherwood Foresters which was recounted in the “Worksop Times” a week or two ago, and was mentioned in despatches, has been recalled by a letter which Mrs Redfearn has received at her home, 15 Aldred Street, Worksop from the War Office.It is written by Lieut Colonel M W Graham, Assistant Military Secretary and states:- I have it in command from His Majesty the King to inform you as next of kin of the late Pte Charles Redfearn, No 1544 of the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment (Territorial Force), that this Private was mentioned in a despatch from General Sir Douglas Haig, dated 30th April 1916 and published in the second Supplement to the ‘London Gazette’ of 13 June, dated 15 June 1916 for gallant and distinguished service in the field. I am to express to you the King’s high appreciation of these services and to add that His Majesty trusts that their public acknowledgement may be of some consolation in your bereavement".
Commemorated on the Longuenesse (St Omer) Souvenir Cemetery, France.
Research by Colin Dannatt