George William Nixon
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As a child, George William Nixon was bought up in Worksop at 4 Back Crown Street with his 5 siblings. His parents were Thomas and Alice Nixon who had come to Worksop and married in 1876. When George was 18 years old he was living at Shireoaks as a boarder, working in the local pit as a coal filler. He was back in Worksop by 1904 as that is where he married Katherine ‘Katie’ Lee, living in Sandhill Street. In the next 12 years, they had 6 children and Catherine (or Katherine), died in 1919 age 35.
Pte G.W.Nixon Worksop Guardian 6 October 1916
The list of casualties this week includes the name of Pte, George William Nixon, of the 1st Leisters, and who resided at 25 Sandhill St:, Worksop who was killed in action on or about Sept: 13th. The news was conveyed in a letter from Pte. W. Taylor, of the same Regiment, and a chum of Nixon’s, who, writing to his wife, expresses his sorrow at Nixon’s death. Pte Nixon, who was 34 years of age, worked at Manton before enlisting in the 1st Leisters, which he did in January 1915. He had been if France about twelve months, and wounded six months ago, and was in hospital at Rouen. His wife last heard from him five weeks ago, when he said he was well and busy fighting. Previous to this he had written home with great regularity. It is known that the Leisters took a prominent part in the recent heavy fighting, and suffered severely. Nixon was not the man to hold back when duty called. The saddest part of the story is that he leaves six children, the eldest of who is only 13. He was an example which should call a blush of shame to the cheeks of able-bodied single men who have gone into munitions or other badged employment in order to escape service. Much sympathy is expresses with Mrs. Nixon and her young family in their troubles.
CWG additional information:- Son of Thomas and Alice Nixon; husband of the late Catherine Nixon. Remembered on the Theipval Memorial, France.
Research by Colin Dannatt