Frederick Bostock
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Frederick Bostock was born in 1887 at Nottingham, he was the son of Arthur James a joiner and the late Julia Armitage Bostock née Wells of Conway Road, St Ann’s, Nottingham. Arthur James was born in 1860 at Nottingham, Julia Armitage Wells was born in 1859 at Hull, she died in 1911 aged 52 yrs they were married on 20th November 1881 at St Andrews Church, Nottingham, they had 2 children, their second child was Arthur William born 1882 Nottingham. In the 1911 census the family were living at 82 Holborn Avenue, Sneinton Dale, Nottingham. Arthur James 51 yrs is a joiner and a widow , he is living with his son Frederick 24 yrs a warehouse man.
Private Frederick Bostock was called up and enlisted at Nottingham, he served with the 1/7th battalion West Yorkshire Regiment, he was drafted to France. In 1918 the battalion moved to the Ypres Salient where Pte Bostock was wounded and taken to the Duhallow Advanced Dressing Station. He died there on 23rd February 1918 and was buried in the dressing station cemetery.in Duhallow A.D.S Cemetery 8.F.15
additional research and information Peter Gillings
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