Samuel Thomas Bloomer
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Samuel Thomas Bloomer was born at Quarry Bank, Staffordshire in Dec 1889. His parents were coal miner, Samuel and Jane Bloomer, nee Jasper. Samuel Thomas was the second born, the first being a sister, Frances, who along with their parents, were sharing the same living accommodation as Jane’s brother and family in Vine Street, Quarry Bank. By 1901, the family had expanded by 4 more children, Joseph, Bertie, May and Mary J. Samuel senior was still working as a coal miner but the family residence was now at 10 Victoria Road, Quarry Bank. In 1911, things were much the same, and still living in the same street. The one exception was that Samuel junior had moved away from his family home to 12 Cooperative Street, Normanton, Yorks, where he was lodging with a family who were from his home town of Quarry Bank, where he was working as a general labourer in a local chemical works. It would have been after this date that Samuel moved to Worksop to work at Manton pit, and also his parents, Samuel and Jane, who took residence at 40 Marecroft in Worksop.
Corpl Samuel Bloomer Worksop Guardian 4 May 1917
To the list of Worksop men who have fallen in the recent fighting have to be added the name, Corpl Samuel Bloomer of the Machine Gun Section and son of Mr Samuel Bloomer of Marecroft, Worksop, whose death , killed in action has been officially announced this week. Corpl Bloomer, who was 26 years of age worked at Manton before enlistment, and joined the South Staffords in May 1915. He was afterwards transferred to the Machine Gun Section and promoted to Corporal. He had been in France about ten months.
Formerly 18801, S. Staffs Regt
CWG additional information:- Son of Samuel and Jane Bloomer, 40 Marecroft, Worksop.
Named on the Theipval Memorial.
Research by Colin Dannatt