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This data is related to World War 1

Harry Hibbard Woodliff

Service number 69369
Military unit 92nd Siege Bty Royal Garrison Artillery
Address Wainfleet Lincolnshire
Date of birth
Date of death 31 May 1918 (23 years old)
Place of birth Barton, Lancashire
Employment, education or hobbies

In 1911 he was a printer.

Family history

Harry Hibbard Woodliff was born in 1894 at Barton Lancashire, he was the only son of Walter Goodwin Woodliff a butcher and the late Emma Woodliff née Hibbard of Manchester, his father Walter Goodwin was born in 1873 at Wainfleet, his mother Emma Hibbard was born in 1869 at Chesterfield, she died in 1908 aged 39 yrs they were married on 10th July 1893 at St George’s Church, Manchester. In the 1911 census the family are living at St John’s Street, Wainfleet, his widowed grandmother Elizabeth Ann Woodliff is 65 yrs of age and is a grocer, she is living with her son Herbert Woodliff 29 yrs who is assisting her in the grocers business and Harry Hibbard Woodliff 16 yrs a printer.

Military history

Private Harry Hibbard Woodliff enlisted at Nottingham, whilst residing at Wainfleet giving his age as 21 yrs and 5 months, he was a foreman compositor and was living at 83 Noel Street, Nottingham, he gave his next of kin as his grandmother Elizabeth Anne Woodliff of St Johns Street, Wainfleet, Lincolnshire he was posted to the reserves. Mobilised for war on 21st February 1916 and embarked from Southampton on 27th June 1916 landing the following day at Le Harve, France. He served with Royal Garrison Artillery and was killed in action on 31st May 1918. He is buried at La Neuville Cemetery, Corbie, France.

Extra information

additional research and information Peter Gillings


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