George Edwin Nicholson
1901 - cabinet maker's apprentice. 1911 - weigh clerk (Mansfield Colliery). Member of the Mansfield Colliery Ambulance Corps.
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
George Edwin was the eldest son of George William and Elizabeth Nicholson (née Busfield).
His father George was born in Windhill, Shipley near Bradford, in 1864, the son of James Nicholson. George joined the Midland Railway as a clerk and became chief clerk (goods department) at Mansfield. His mother Elizabeth was born in Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire, in about 1862, the daughter of Abraham Busfield.
His parents were married at Shipley St Paul in March 1884 and had three children who were born in Windhill and baptised at Shipley St Paul: George Edwin b. 1885 bap. 30 August 1885, James William (William) b. 1888 and Florence b. 1890 d. 1890.
In 1891 George and Elizabeth were living on Ives Street, Shipley, with their two surviving children, George (5) and James (3).
The family had moved to Portland Terrace, Portland Street, Mansfield by 1901. George Edwin was a cabinet maker's apprentice while his brother James was still at school. Also in the household was a boarder, a railway clerk.
In 1911 George, Elizabeth and their sons were living at 12 Carter Lane, Mansfield. Both boys were working at Mansfield Colliery, George as a weigh clerk and James as a coal mining student.
Elizabeth Nicholson probably died in 1912 and her husband married secondly Ada A White in 1916.
However, in August 1914 when James enlisted he named his father as one of his three next of kin and George William was living on Eakring Road, Mansfield. HIs other nominees were his brother George 'serving RAMC' and his wife Gertrude of 49 Welbeck Street; he and Gertrude had married in July 1914.
George William and his second wife were living at 27 Sandy Lane, Mansfield, when George Edwin was killed in 1917. George William was still at the same address when he died aged 57 in June 1921. Ada survived him.
His youngest son, James William, attested on 12 August 1914 and joined at Aldershot the following day having been posted to the RAMC (8303); presumably he was a member of Mansfield Colliery's Ambulance Corps like his brother. (See newspaper reports, 'Extra information'). After a short period of military training he embarked at Southampton on 5 October 1914 for Ostend, disembarking the following day. James served with the 22nd Field Ambulance and was Mentioned in Despatches for 'distinguished service in the Field' in May 1915 (London Gazette, 31 December 1915). In 1920 he applied for, and was granted, the 'oak leaf in bronze' emblem. James served in France until 30 December 1918 then at home until 28 January 1919 (total service 4 years 169 days). James was discharged to 49 Welbeck Street, Mansfield. He returned to work in the mining industry and in 1939, when the England & Wales Register was compiled, was a colliery deputy.
1st Field Ambulance Royal Army Corps
George Edwin worked at Mansfield Colliery and was a member of the colliery's Ambulance Corps. On the outbreak of war, the Mansfield Division SJAB, of which George's father was first officer, was asked to provide volunteers to support units serving with the BEF France. George and probably his younger brother, James, were among those early volunteers who joined the RAMC Field Ambulance and after a short period of military training in the UK were posted to the Western Front. George probably served in France as early as 1914.
George was serving on the Western Front during the Third Battle of Ypres (July-November 1917). He was killed by a bursting shell on 2 October 1917 while fetching in the wounded at Passchendaele. George has no known grave and is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium (Panel 160).
He qualified for the 1914/15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.
CWGC - History of Tyne Cot Memorial (extract):
'The Tyne Cot Memorial is one of four memorials to the missing in Belgian Flanders which cover the area known as the Ypres Salient. Broadly speaking, the Salient stretched from Langemarck in the north to the northern edge in Ploegsteert Wood in the south, but it varied in area and shape throughout the war.
'The Salient was formed during the First Battle of Ypres in October and November 1914, when a small British Expeditionary Force succeeded in securing the town before the onset of winter, pushing the German forces back to the Passchendaele Ridge. The Second Battle of Ypres began in April 1915 when the Germans released poison gas into the Allied lines north of Ypres. This was the first time gas had been used by either side and the violence of the attack forced an Allied withdrawal and a shortening of the line of defence.
'There was little more significant activity on this front until 1917, when in the Third Battle of Ypres an offensive was mounted by Commonwealth forces to divert German attention from a weakened French front further south. The initial attempt in June to dislodge the Germans from the Messines Ridge was a complete success, but the main assault north-eastward, which began at the end of July, quickly became a dogged struggle against determined opposition and the rapidly deteriorating weather. The campaign finally came to a close in November with the capture of Passchendaele.' (www.cwgc.org)
George's brother, James, enlisted in the RAMC on 12 August 1914, service number 8303. He was discharged in 1919. (See 'Family history')
Mansfield (Nottingham Road) Cemetery. Inscription on family headstone: 'Pte George Edwin Nicholson RAMC the beloved son of George William and Elizabeth Nicholson killed in action October 2nd 1917 at Passchendale (sic). Duty nobly done.’
Mansfield Reporter, 19 October 1917: ‘Another Mansfield Soldier Killed. Mr GW Nicholson, 27, Sandy-lane, has been officially informed that his eldest son, George Edwin, was killed in action on the 3rd (sic) inst.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Mansfield Reporter, 26 October 1917: 'Killed Whilst Carrying the Wounded. Forest Town Miner Falls. Mr GW Nicholson, of 27, Sandy-lane, Mansfield, has received official information that his eldest son, George Edwin Nicholson, was killed in action in France, October 2nd, 1917. The deceased soldier was employed at the Mansfield Colliery, and was a member of the Mansfield Colliery Ambulance Corps, At the outbreak of war he was with a number of others chosen for ambulance work with the Royal Army Medical Corps Field Ambulance (British Expeditionary Forces), and many will remember Sunday morning, August 9th, 1914, when the men marched to the station headed by the Mansfield Colliery Band. After a short period of training at Aldershot, and Lyndhurst, they embarked for France, and have been rendering first-aid to the wounded on the Western front since October, 1914. At the time Nicholson was killed he was fetching in wounded when he was struck by a bursting shell. Mr GW Nicholson has another son in the field ambulance in France.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk).
Mansfield Reporter, 26 October 1917: ‘Notes and Comments. It would be noticed last week that we had an unusually large number of names of local men killed at the front, but it seemed to be brought home more forcibly on Sunday afternoon when Canon Adams, at his men’s class, mentioned that five members had been reported killed since their last meeting. Their names were: Nicholson, Wright, Marchant, Penford and Cowpe.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Mansfield Reporter, ‘Deaths’, 26 October 1917: 'Nicholson. Killed in action, on October 2nd, 1917, George Edwin Nicholson, Royal Army Medical Corps, eldest son of George W Nicholson, Sandy Lane, Mansfield.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Mansfield Reporter, 11 July 1919 (extract): ‘Ambulance Officer Honoured. Mr George William Nicholson, ambulance officer of the Mansfield Division of the St John Ambulance Brigade, was on Sunday last at Worksop presented with the long service medal … Two sons, Messrs. George and William [James Wm] Nicholson joined up at the beginning of the war for the purpose of carrying on ambulance work, and the former paid the extreme sacrifice at Ypres in 1917. Mr Wm Nicholson, also in the RAMC, has been demobilized.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.ui)
Mansfield Reporter, 10 June 1921: ‘Death of Mr GW Nicholson. Loss to Mansfield Ambulance and the Midland Railway Co. We regret to record the death, which took place at his residence, 28, Sandy-lane, last Saturday, of Mr George Wm. Nicholson, who for many years was chief clerk in the goods department of the Midland Railway Co. at Mansfield and was actively associated with the local division of the St John Ambulance Brigade. The deceased gentleman, who leaves a widow, was 57 years of age … It was as long ago as 1901 when the late Mr Nicholson, together with ex-supt. RK Childs, founded the Mansfield Division of the SJAB and from the time of its inception, for many years he took a leading part in promoting the advancement of the ambulance movement … Mr Nicholson had the distinction in the memorable August of 1914, to take charge of the first party, numbering 16, of ambulance men to go from Mansfield to Aldershot where they served in the Cambridge Hospital, several being subsequently drafted for service in various theatres of war. … The Funeral. The funeral took place at the Mansfield Cemetery on Wednesday … the first portion of the service was heldi in the St Lawrence’ Church … The following were the chief mourners; Mrs Nicholson and son … Miss Nicholson (sister).’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk).
Note: Mansfield Reporter, 7 August 1914 included a report of the request to Mr Nicholson, first officer of the Division, for volunteers from Mansfield Division SJAB ambulance to accompany a BEF to the Continent; 12 offers were received which probably included George Edwin.
Registers of Soldiers' Effects: his father George William Nicholson was his sole legatee