Alick (Alexander) Marchant
Domestic Gardener.
- Family History
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Alexander Marchant known as Alick was born in 1887 he was the son of Henry a brickyard labourer and the late Millicent Marchant nee Wildgust of 24 Pleasley Vale, Nottinghamshire.
Henry was born in 1860, Millicent Wildgust was born 1866 she died in 1914 aged 48 yrs, both were born at Mansfield Woodhouse, they were married on 9th August 1886 at St Edmund's Church, Mansfield Woodhouse, they went on to have 8 children.
In 1911 the family were living at 5 Station Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, Henry is 51yrs a brickyard labourer he is living with his wife Millicent 45 yrs and their children including Alexander 24 yrs a domestic gardener and George 19 yrs a mill hand.
Private Alexander Marchant enlisted at Mansfield, he served with the 1/5th battalion Sherwood Foresters, he died of wounds on 2nd April 1917 he is buried at at Etaples Military Cemetery, France.
His brother, George was killed on 06/12/1917 and brother, Harry served with the Royal Field Artillery and survived.