George William Bell
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George William was 5th of 10 children born to , Frederick and Mary Eliza Bell. All of their children were born in Worksop as was George in 1894. When they became of working age, they all worked in the local pit.
Sergt G W Bell Worksop Guardian 27 October 1916
'News has been received of the death in action of Sergt G W Bell, 9th Batt., S.F. son of Mr and Mrs F Bell. 133 Kilton Road, Worksop. According to the date given in the official intimation, the young soldier was killed on his birthday, vis. September 26th. Unfortunately, nothing but the bald official statement is yet to hand and so the circumstances of his death are not known. On the day stated, however, other heroes fell in a big assault and a large number were wounded. Generally in such cases, a comrade or an officer write to the deceased’s parents, and give a full description of the happening, and Mrs Bell lives in the hopes of receiving further news of her son to the effect that he was not killed but wounded. Sergt Bell was 22 years of age, and enlisted on September 5th 1914. He was out in the Dardanelles, where he went through a great deal, being a victim of dysentery and yellow jaundice, the seriousness of which is illustrated by the fact he was in hospital at Malta for three months. On recovery he was drafted out to Egypt, where he served for a considerable time and eventually landed in France in July last. Peculiarly enough, on the day stated that he was killed, he was in company of another man, who was wounded and at that time was in good health himself. He was a single man and before enlisting worked at Manton Colliery. The sympathy of all will be extended to his relatives in their great trouble.'
Commonwealth War Grave Commission additional information:- Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bell, of 233, Garden City, Kilton Rd., Worksop, Notts.
Joined D Coy. Buried Connaught Cemetery Theipval.
Research by Colin Dannatt