Thomas Arthur Bradley
Worked for Messers Wharton and Long , printers of Grove St , Retford as an apprentice printer
At time of enlistment he worked at the Northern Rubber Works
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
Thomas was born in 1892 in Lemington,Newcastle upon Tyne and was the son of William a general carter who was a native of Retford and Louisa who came from Jarrow, Northumberland they lived at 39, Little Lane, Retford
He was married to his wife Gertrude Florence Shaw in 1910 and they lived at 13, Moorgate, Retford, Nottinghamshire , they had a son Leonard born in 1916.
The 1911 census shows Thomas and his new wife had been married for under 1 year , he is 19 years of age and an apprentice printer, they are living at 86 Spital Hill Retford.
Thomas enlisted on 27th July 1916 at Retford and first served with the service number 55829 in the Sherwood Foresters Notts & Derbys Regiment. He went to France on 27th October 1916 and was twice wounded and had returned home once on leave. He was taken prisoner by the Germans in March 1918 . He died whilst in captivity and was buried on 1st November 1918 at Charville,Germany .After the war during the grave concentration programme he was reburied in Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille, Pas De Calais, France
Pte T. A Bradley Retford Times 14th June 1918
Retford Soldier Missing
Pte T.A. Bradley M.G.C. 27 Moorgate Retford is reported missing,but is believed to be a prisoner of war. A letter has been received from his officer, who was wounded at the same time, March 22nd, in which he says what good work Pte Bradley did during the 12 months he was with him. Pte Bradley joined up on July 15th 1916, and went to France on October 27th 1916. He has been twice wounded and once home on leave. At the time of joined the army he was employed at the Northern Rubber Works and previously worked for Messers Wharton and Long, printers, Grove Street. He is 26 years of age , married and has one child. Another brother Pte W.H. Bradley, has been in France three years and has been wounded twice. Any information as to Pte T A Bradley will be gladly received by his wife at 27 Moorgate or by his parents. Mr and Mrs W Bradley 39 Little Lane,
His local newspaper later wrote under the headline :-
' Retford Soldiers Death in Germany Private T A Bradley' Retford Times 29 Aug 1919
Mr and Mrs W Bradley 39 Little Lane Retford were this week in receipt of sad news concerning their son Pte T A Bradley, Machine Gun Corps, who in June was reported missing 'Supposed to be a prisoner of war in Germany' .The records office of the M.G.C. London now write to officially inform the parents that Pte Bradley died, as a prisoner of war on 30th October , in the secondary school of Charleville and that he was buried in Charleville (in grave 1701) on 1st November 1918 , he was captured by the Germans in March 1918.
Pte Bradley who resided at 27 Moorgate Retford joined up on July 15th 1916 and went to France on October 27th 1916. he has been wounded twice and once home on leave. At the time he joined the army he was employed at the Northern Rubber Works and previously worked for Messers Wharton and Long, printers of Grove Street, He was 27 years of age, married and leaves one child .Another brother W H Bradley was wounded twice.