Alfred Archer
- Family History
- Military history
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- Photographs
Alfred Archer was born on the 10th April 1899 in Worksop. He was the last and youngest child born to Alfred and Annie Elizabeth Archer who were living at 11 Greggs Bd, Dock Road, Worksop. Over the period of their married life, the couple had 16 children of which 11 survived into adulthood, all born in Worksop, Alfred being the last one. Alfred, their father, was a quarry worker and the elder males were working in the mines. By 1911, the family had moved to another house in Worksop, which was 18 Boundary Row, where Alfred, being the youngest, was still attending school. When he was of working age, he started his time as a pit pony driver before signing on at Retford.
Alfred Archer went to enlist at Retford, Notts on the 10th March 1917 with an age of 17 year 11months and was allotted to the Sherwood Foresters Regiment on the 23rd August. The certificate of the Approving Officer was signed on the 25th August 1917 appointing him to the 6th Training Battalion Reserve. He was transferred to Durham Light Infantry on 5 Dec 1917 and posted to Seaham for training. During his training period, he was in trouble for minor charges. 4th Jan 1918 overstaying his special pass, forfeit 4 days pay and 5 days CB. 7th Feb, Not sweeping his cot, untidy bed, deficient of boots, 2 days CB. 2nd March damage to boots by burning, 7 days CB and pay for damage. On the 1st April 1918, he left the UK and landed in Boulogne France and 57 days later he was killed in action
The obituary of Pte Alfred Archer Worksop Guardian 11 July 1919
News has been received in Worksop that Pte Alfred Archer, Durham Light Infantry, son of Mrs Archer of 18 Boundary Row, who has been missing since May 27th 1918, is now reported killed on or about that date. Pte Archer, who was a single young man, enlisted in 1917 and before the war, worked at Manton Colliery of the Wigan Coal and Iron Company, and much sympathy will be extended with his mother and other relatives in the loss they have sustained.
(Photo included in original publication)
The 22nd DLI in which Alfred was serving at the time of his death was the pioneer battalion of the 8th Division. This division had suffered badly in action at Villers Bretonneux between 24/25 April 1918 during the German Spring Offensives. The battalion had lost 78 men dead with many more injured and taken prisoner n that month.
The division with three others was moved to the allegedly quiet area held by the French South of the River Aisne to rest and recover. On Monday 27 May the Germans attacked with an opening devastating ‘drumfire’ artillery barrage. This was the last major German offensive of the war which forced the French armies with the British Divisions under their command back to a point only 50 miles from Paris. The 22nd DLI lost a further 96 men killed including Alfred Archer whose body was never recovered and that is the reason why his name appears on the memorial to the Missing at Soissons. Robert Ilett . 18 2 2015
CWG additional information:- Son of Alfred and Elizabeth Archer, of 18, Boundary Row, Worksop, Notts
His name is remembered on the Soissons memorial, France
Corrections of family history courtesy of family member Trev Archer