Henry Taylor
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Son of Arthur Taylor, of 70, Duchess St., Creswell, Mansfield.
Private Henry Taylor, served with the 6th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment, hewas killed in action on 22nd August 1915 at Gallipoli. He is commemorated on the Helles Memorial.
Pte. H Taylor Worksop Guardian 17 September 1915
The distressing news of another soldier’s death on the battlefield has just been received, viz., that of Pte H Taylor son of Mr Arthur Taylor, miner of Creswell, who lives with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs George Wale of 99 Netherton Road, Worksop. Pte Taylor was only 24 years of age, die a glorious death which occurred as a result of wounds sustained whilst fighting against the Turks on August 22nd. He was attached to the British Mediterranean Force. Soon after war broke out, Pte Taylor enlisted in the 6th Lincolnshire Regiment. He had worked at the Manton Colliery of the Wigan Coal and Iron Company for some months, being previously employed at the Whitwell Colliery. His last letter to Mr and Mrs Wale was received on August 14th and only a fortnight ago they sent a parcel to the gallant soldier, not knowing of his demise.
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