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This data is related to World War 1

George Mear

Service number 203832
Military unit 1/5th Bn South Staffordshire Regiment
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 28 Sep 1918 (21 years old)
Place of birth Stanton Hill, Nottinghamshire.
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

Parents: Frank and Catherine Newton of 70 Newton Street, Mansfield.

Military history

Private George Mear, served with the 1/5th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, he was killed in action on 28th September 1918. He is commemorated on the Vis-en-Artois Memorial.

Extra information

George and Fred were not brothers but as their fathers were both originally from Leicestershire they may have been related, they certainly lived on Newton Street at the same time.


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