Joseph Ronald Herbert Mayor
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The Mayor family had had at least three generations of Butchers as far back as 1841, plying their trade in Bridge Street, Worksop by the time that Joseph Ronald Herbert Mayor was born. His father, Joseph Fetherby Mayor, had been born in Worksop in 1871 along with 3 sisters and 4 brothers who were all born in Worksop. By 1891, he was leaning his trade as a butcher’s assistant at Holborn in London and 3 years later, in 1894, he married Ethel Louisa Gunnell on 10 Dec 1894 at Asterby, Lincolnshire. They had their one and only son, named Joseph Ronald Herbert Mayor who was born in Louth, Lincolnshire in 1895. In 1901, this family of three, were back in Worksop at 116 East-gate, where Joseph was working as a butcher and shopkeeper. By 1908, they had moved to Hull where their only daughter, Marjorie Leonora was born. In 1911 Joseph was managing a butchers shop at 24 Clifton Terrace, Beverly Road, Hull and Joseph Ronald Herbert was working as an office boy student. It was shortly after this that he enlisted in the East Yorkshire Regiment at Hull
Lance. Corpl. Ronald J. H. Mayor Worksop Guardian 5 October 1917
It is with regret that we have to record the death in a Military Hospital at Rouen, on September 16th, from wounds received in action early in August, of Lance Corpl. Ronald J. H. Mayor, East York’s, Regt, only son of Mr. J. F. Mayor, Hull, and grandson of the late Joseph Mayor of Worksop. Lance Corpl. Mayor, who was only 22 years of age, was a smart soldierly young man, and enlisted in September, 1914, prior to which time he was in the Hull Educational Offices. After undergoing his training, he was drafted to Egypt in the autumn of 1915, and in March of the following year, was sent to France, where he had been ever since, with the exception of a short leave in June. He went through the big push twelve months ago and many subsequent engagements, and was severely wounded when on the Arras Front, having acted as a bomber and runner. In the latter capacity he had several narrow escapes from being killed. His parents were with him when he passed away, and was present at the internment, which took place next day with Military Honours at the British Cemetery attached to the French Cemetery in Rouen.
Lance Corpl. Mayor was highly respected and esteemed by his many friends in Hull, and especially by his colleagues at the Educational Offices, and the officials at the Guildhall. Doctor Riley, (Director of Education), paying special tribute to his abilities, and his regrets on so promising a future being cut so short. On Sunday at ‘All Saints’ Church, Hull, the Vicar, the Rev. R. Smallwood, made a touching reference to the death of Lance-Corpl. Mayor, as a regular worshiper, and one who never missed his Communion or Bible Class. They deeply sympathised with Mr. and Mrs. Mayor in the great loss they had sustained in the death of their only son, who had given his life in his country’s cause.
Lance- Corpl. Mayor’s parents have received numerous letters of sympathy from his comrades, all speaking very highly of their son as a soldier and a friend, and we are sure that in Worksop, Mr. and Mrs. Mayor will have the sympathy of all their friends in their bereavement. Lance Corpl. Mayor was a nephew of Mr. Arthur Mayor of “The Worksop Guardian Staff”.
CWG additional information:- Son of Joseph F. and Ethel L. Mayor, of 26, Cave St., Beverley Rd., Hull
Buried in the St Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen, France
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