Walter Wynne
1911 - shop assistant. He gave his occupation as beer bottler when he joined the Army Reserve (Special Reservists) in December 1911.
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
John was the son of John and Margaret Wynne (née Burns).
His father was born in Nottingham in 1864 and his mother Margaret Burns also in Nottingham in about 1864. They were married in Nottingham in 1887 (reg. O/N/D) and had nine children, four of whom died in infancy. Seven children have been traced on birth registrations and census records between 1887 and 1911. The eldest child, Bridgett, was born shortly before her parents' marriage and her birth was registered in her mother's surname although she later took her father's surname. The births of three children, Walter, Betsy and Emily, were registered in Nottingham between 1895 and 1900 although one census record gave their birthplaces as Leeds. Bridgett (Burns) b. Nottingham birth registered 1887 (J/F/M), James b. Nottingham birth registered 1889 (J/F/M), Margaret b. Leeds 1891, Walter b. 1895, Betsy birth registered 1898 (J/F/M) d. 1905, Emily birth registered 1900 (J/F/M) d. 1903 and Lizzie (?Elizabeth) b. Nottingham abt. 1907.
John, a general labourer, and Margaret together with their three children, Bridgett, James and Margaret (3 weeks), were living in a lodging house in Hatfield Yard, Leeds in 1891.
The family had returned to Nottingham by 1901 and were living at 3 Alvey's Yard: John, a slater's labourer, Margaret, Bridgett a lace clipper, James, Margaret, Walter, Betsy and Emily. Emily died in July 1903 and Betsy in December 1905.
The family was living at 19 Pinder Street, Nottingham, in 1909 when Walter enlisted in the Territorial Force and still at the same address in 1911: John, a slater, Margaret a lace drawer and four of their five surviving children, James a lace dresser, Margaret a lace jenner, Walter a shop assistant and Lizzie. Lizzie has not yet been traced after 1911.
The eldest daughter, Bridgett, had married Ernest Handley in 1909 (St Patrick's Church) and in 1911 she and her husband, a coal merchant's carter, were living on Earl Street, Sneinton, with their daughter Margaret (bap. St Patrick March 1910 d. 1911). Bridgett was working as a lace clipper. The couple later had two sons, Walter in 1911 and William Ernest in 1912, and a daughter Florence. Bridgett died in 1927 (buried Carlton Cemetery).
John and Margaret later lived at 6 Thoresby Road, Sneinton, Nottingham. Their married daughter, Margaret Banks, who married Fred Banks in 1916, and had a daughter, Mary Frances the following year, probably lived with her parents after her marriage as her husband was serving with the Sherwood Foresters in France. Fred Banks was killed in action on 21 March 1918. (See 'Extra information)
Margaret snr. died at 6 Thoresby Road, Sneinton, on 30 June 1918 of 'carcinoma of intestine.'
Walter's father completed a form for the army in December 1919 listing his son's surviving blood relations. However, some time later he completed the same form in respect of his son James who had died in 1915 when he was lost in the Hospital Ship Anglia when she was sunk by a mine. On this occasion he provided more details about the brothers' surviving relatives:
Father - John Wynne, 6 Thoresby Street, Notingham
Brothers - none.
Sisters - Bridget Handley (32), 25 Newark Street, Sneinton, Nottingham, and Margaret Banks (28), 6 Thoresby Street, Nottingham.
Nephews/Neices: Ernest, Walter and Florence Handley, 25 Newark Street, and Frances Bank, 6 Thoresby Street.
Aunts/Uncles: James Wynne (57), Thomas Wynne (60), Dennis Wynne (52) and Ann Whitby (48)
Margaret Banks remarried in 1920 and she and her husband, Robert Lyons, their children and her daughter Mary continued to live at 6 Thoresby Street, with her widowed father. John died in 1939 (A/M/J); he had survived eight of his nine children.
Walter Wynne joined the Army Reserve (Special Reservists) on a six year engagement on 4 October 1911 and was posted to the 4th Bn Notts & Derby Regiment.
Private Walter Wynne volunteered for service and following training arrived in France on 16 March 1915. His service record survives and records a series of offences which he committed both in the UK and France, resulting in punishments ranging from loss of pay, confined to barracks and Field Punishment No.1 & No.2. The offences included being absent from 9am, 24 January 1916 'until apprehended by the Civil Power at Nottingham 29 January 1916' for which he was awarded 21 days confined to barracks. For another offence, he was tried by FGCM [Field General Court Martial] on 30 June 1916 and sentenced to 3 months FP No.1 for (1) when on AS [Active Service] drunkeness (2) Resisting an escort whose duty it was to have him in charge. The sentence was comfirmed by GOC 24 Infantry Brigade.
Walter was admitted to No. 24 Field Ambulance on 18 April 1917 suffering from influenza and was then transferred to hospital. He was transferred to England from No. 9 General Hospital Rouen on the Hospital Ship Warilda on 3 May 1917 and admitted to hospital on 4 May where he remained until 8 June. It is possible that he was treated as a convalescent at Wallside Auxiliary Hospital, Falkirk. Note: Hospital Ship Warilda, on passage Le Havre-Southampton, was torpedoed and sunk by German submarine UC-49 on 3 August 1918.
Walter was posted to BEF France on 27 July 1917, but prior to this had been awarded FP No. 2 and forfeiture of 4 days pay for overstaying leave (in the UK) in the June. He rejoined the battalion in the August and was posted to 'B' Coy. Walter was admitted to hospital ('sick') on 14 September 1917 but was treated in France and probably discharged within the week. He was granted leave to England (from Calais), 23-30 November 1917, but his record was noted that he was admitted to Carrington Military Hospital 'whilst on leave.'
The battalion was caught up in the fighting at the start of the German's spring offensive Operation Michael on 21 March 1918. There was heavy shelling of the sunken road between Ecoust and Noreuil. Gas shells fell in the rear areas. At 8.30 a.m. the Germans attacked and severe hand-to-hand fighting followed. By 10.00 a.m. the Germans had broken through on both flanks and soon after the rear was cut off. The last message was received at noon and soon after the battalion ceased to exist. Casualties amounted to 655, including Pte. Wynne.
Walter's service record includes his mother's death certificate (died 30 June 1918), and is annotated in manuscript, 'stated to have been the mother of W Wynne Private Notts & Derby Reg. Number 4272' and under Walter's name is added 'Prisoner in Germany'. Walter was probably reported missing in action and his death not confirmed until some months later.
Walter has no known grave and his name is commemorated on the Arras Memorial.
Service record: Home 4 October 1911 [mob. 5 August 1914]-15 March 1915 (3y 168d). BEF 16 March 1915-29 December 1915 (289d). Home 30 December 1915-7 March 1916 (68d). BEF France 8 March 1916-3 May 1917 (1y 57d). Home 4 May 1917-28 July 1917 (86d). BEF France 29 July 1917-21 March 1918 (236d). (Total 6y 169d)
Walter qualified for the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.
His brother Private James Wynne enlisted on 20th November 1909 in the Army Reserve (Special Reservist) and was mobilized on the outbreak of war, serving in the BEF France from 11 November 1914. He was wounded on 12 November 1915 and was transferred to England in the Hospital Ship Anglia. James was one of over 100 passengers and crew who died when the ship was struck by a mine and sank on 17 November 1915. His body was not recovered for burial and his name is commemorated on the Hollybrook Memorial, Southampton. (See record on this Roll of Honour)
Fred Banks, their sister Margaret's husband (m. 1916), served in the 10th Bn. Sherwood Foresters (4018 Private) and was killed in action in France on 21 March 1918, the same day as Walter. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Arras Memorial. (See record on this Roll of Honour). Margaret married Robert Lyons in 1920. Their son Robert served with the 30th Bn. Cheshire Regiment in the Second World War and died in Italy on 11 January 1946 from injuries received accidentally. (CWGC 1432461. Buried Rome War Cemetery).
Ernest Handley, their sister Bridgett's husband, attested in 1915. He was 31 years old and employed as a labourer. Service toward limited engagement dated from 13 October 1915 and Ernest joined at Hornchurch the following day. He was posted to the 25th Bn Middlesex Regiment but was discharged on 10 April 1916 for medical reasons ('caused by hard manual labour in civilian life') as he was 'not likely to become an efficient soldier.' He was discharged to 25 Newark Street, Sneinton, Nottingham.