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Arnold - Front Street Baptist Church

The present memorial is in the modern Beacon Baptist Church, Birchfield Road, Killisick Estate, Arnold, Nottingham, and was dedicated in 1968. It replaces a Great War memorial that was erected to the members of Front Street Baptist Church and Sunday School, Arnold, which was lost when the church on Front Street was demolished as part of the redevelopment of Arnold town centre. The dedication on the original tablet read, '1914-1919. This tablet is erected in grateful and loving memory of the members of this church and old scholars of the Sunday School who fell in the Great War (names). Greater love hath no man'. The names are as the replacement memorial. A Second World War memorial was unveiled in the Front Street Baptist Church by Rev A Price on 28 March 1948. The dedication on the replacement memorial reads, 'In grateful remembrance of the men of this church who gave their lives in the service of their country 1914-1918 (names). 1939-1945 (names)'. (Rachel Farrand. Sources include Southwell and Nottingham Diocesan records).

Identified casualties 10 people