Gunthorpe - St John the Baptist
St John the Baptist, Main Street, Gunthorpe, Nottinghamshire. Lectern with stainless steel plaque, inscription: 'Gunthorpe. In honoured memory of those who fell in the Great War 1914-1919 (Names)'
Identified casualties
- Names on this memorial
- Location
- Photographs
Names on this memorial
Gunthorpe riverside landscaping
A small area by the River Trent has been planted to commemorate those from Gunthorpe who died in the Great War and are commemorated in the parish church of St John the Baptist. Post with two plaques: the top plaque reads: 'Riverside landscape planted in memory of the Gunthorpe Fallen 1914-1918 Richard Allison, Walter Dawson, Frank East, Ernest H Freeman, Wilfred Knight, Charles Moon, Bernard Parkins, Bernard Peatman, Clement Pownall, Frank Thraves, George Widdowson, John Widdowson' The bottom plaque commemorates a bomber crew who were killed in the parish on 1 October 1942. Photograph Rachel Farrand (January 2021)