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Huthwaite All Saints - Young Men's Bible Class

Blackwell Road Huthwaite NG17 2QT. The lancet window, designed and executed by Messrs Geo Gascoyne & Son of Nottingham, was dedicated on 12 June 1921. Inscription reads 'To the Glory of God and in memory of the leader and members of the young mens' bible class who gave their lives in the Great War 1914-1918'. Nottingham Evening Post, Saturday 11 June 1921: ‘Huthwaite Memorial. Tomorrow a memorial window is to be dedicated in Huthwaite Parish Church, to the members of the Men’s Bible Class who gave their lives in the late war. The window is a lancet one in the south side of the nave, and is a symbolical subject, representing our Lord giving the crown of glory to the young knight, supported by adoring angels. The subject is enclosed in a rich canopy and base, and is full of rich colour and delicate treatment. The window has been designed and executed by Messrs. Geo F Gascoyne and Son, Nottingham.‘ (
Photos and memorial research by Peter Gillings. Names researched by David Nunn

Identified casualties 10 people