This memorial is now in Hucknall United Reformed Church, Farley Grove, Hucknall. Portland Road Congregational Church, Hucknall, was founded in 1867. The memorial was installed in the church in 1920. The dedication reads: 'To the glory of God and in grateful remembrance of those from this church and Sunday School who fell in the Great War 1914-1919 (names).' There is a roll of honour and photographs of some of those from the congregation who had joined the Colours in a history of the church published in 1917; 'Portland Road Church: a history of Hucknall Congregational Church (Jubilee Year 1867-1917)', by Albert Brecknock, published by Haywood and Davenport. The church joined the United Reformed Church in 1972. It closed in the early 1990s and the building was sold; in 1993 the memorial was transferred to Hucknall URC where it was installed on the south wall.
- Names on this memorial
- Location
- Photographs