The memorial is now in the Friary United Reformed Church on Musters Road/Millicent Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. Queen's Walk Congregational Church was established on Queen’s Walk, Meadows. (The road was later renamed Queen’s Drive.) The church was established in 1874 as a mission church of Castle Gate Congregational Church, although it later became independent. The church closed in 1970 and the building was later demolished. The congregation amalgamated with the Friary Congregational Church, since 1972 the Friary United Reformed Church. (Source: The memorial, a brass plaque, has the names of those who died and those who served; the inscription reads, 'Roll of Honour. Not once or twice in our rough island story the path of duty was the way to glory. This tablet is erected by this church as a permanent testimony to the following members & adherents who served in the Great War, 1914-1919. They died that we might live (names - 4). We are grateful to God for the return of the following (names - 30 including one woman).
- Names on this memorial
- Location
- Photographs