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Egmanton - St Mary

St Mary, Tuxford Road, Egmanton, NG22 0EZ. The church of St Mary is also known as 'Our Lady of Egmanton'. Extracts from St Mary's register of services, completed by the vicar or officiating clergy (Nottinghamshire Archives, ref PR 4748, Church of St Mary the Virgin, Egmanton): Services November 11th 1918. 8am. Services, Mass. News of the signing of the Armistice at 1120. I rang the bells, “The hostilities of the World War cease.”
12 noon. The children came to church at 12 o’clock to sing hymns of praise. 1.30pm-2pm The bells were rung from 1.30pm to 2pm
Armistice Day at 7pm. Service of Praise and Solemn Te Deum and the ringing of the (? joy) bells. June 28th 1919. 8am. Mass. Peace was signed this afternoon. The bells were rung this evening.'
The parish war memorial was unveiled and dedicated on Saturday 20 March 1920. It was unveiled by Lt Col John Markham Rose DSO, RMA. Dedication: 'To the Glory of God and in grateful memory of (names) of this parish who fell in the Great War 1914-1918.'

Identified casualties 4 people