Nottingham (South Wilford) - St Wilfrid
St Wilfrid's Church (parish of South Wilford), Church Drive, Main Road, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7AJ. £50 3s was raised by public subscription which met the costs of the tablet (£31), a Roll of Honour (£2 2s. 6d), Faculty (£2. 2s. 6d), a wreath (5/6d) and an altar frontal (£14 13s.). The memorial, which was executed by Long & Son, was unveiled by Lt Col PR Clifton of Clifton Hall on All Saints Day, 1 November 1920. (Nottinghamshire Archives ref: 9421, 9477) Dedication: 'To the Glory of God and in grateful memory of the men of South Wilford who gave their lives in the Great War 1914-1919 (names). Faithful unto death.' There is also a Roll of Honour in the church (WMA notified September 2012)
Identified casualties
- Names on this memorial
- Location
- Photographs
Names on this memorial
Wilford - St Wilfrid ROH
Pre-printed scroll with names added in manuscript, wooden frame, glazed. The ROH is placed on a shelf below a marble Latin cross, with a metal sword fixed the length of the shaft.
There are 91 names in two columns of 47 and 44 respectively; these are the men who served and returned. The names of 13 men who were wounded are listed first (no obvious order). The remainder are listed: officers first by rank, other ranks by rank/surname. The men are identified by surname and initials, rank and regiment/service.
Beneath the names of those who served and returned is a list of 10 men who died.
Inscribed to/ The Men of Wilford/ The Great War 1914-1918 (NAMES)/ And a Remembrance of those who made/ the Supreme Sacrifice./ (NAMES)
Rachel Farrand