St Leonard's Church, Wollaton Road, Wollaton NG8 2AF. A marble tablet with the inscription, 'In proud memory of (names) who gave their lives for their country, 1914-1919.' The memorial cost £222 12s. 0d, the money being raised by public subscription, and was designed and executed by Gawthorp & Sons of London. The memorial was unveiled on 6 March 1920 and dedicated by the Bishop of Southwell. A copy of the order of service and other related documents are held in Nottinghamshire Archives (deposit: St Leonard's church, ref PR,7980.). A printed ROH of men who served in the war was published in 1919 and a copy is held in Nottinghamshire Archives (ref PR,7979). Two brothers, Basil Claude Bland and Harry Augustus Bland, are commemorated on the memorial; both served with the Royal Garrison Artillery and both were killed in 1917. There is a roll of honour in the churchyard with the names of those who served as well as those who are commemorated on the war memorial in the church (WMA 27297).
- Names on this memorial
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