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Gunthorpe - St John the Baptist

St John the Baptist, Main Street, Gunthorpe, Nottinghamshire NG14 7FZ. Roll of Honour: 'Framed and glazed handwritten and illuminated roll of honour. Frame has a pointed top and there is a shelf below for flowers. Oak leaf and acorn border with the coats of arms of the allies on shields. The royal coat of arms are placed centrally above with the dedication and the names in two columns below. Between each letter of the alphabet of the names is a decorative bar and there is a cross against the names of the fallen. For King For Country Dieu et Mon DroitHoni Soit Qui Mal y Pense, Gunthorpe Roll of Honour (Names). Designed, written and presented to Gunthorpe by Valentin Vaerwyck, Archt in Ghent, Belgian Refugee for some time Resident in this Village during the Great War 1914 - 18. Border: Belgium/ Russia/ Italy/ Portugal/ Japan/ Roumania/ America/ Servia/ France' (Source: War Memorial Register)

Identified casualties 12 people